ML with tree based models in r




April 4, 2020

Build a classification tree

Let’s get started and build our first classification tree. A classification tree is a decision tree that performs a classification (vs regression) task. You will train a decision tree model to understand which loan applications are at higher risk of default using a subset of the German Credit Dataset. The response variable, called “default”, indicates whether the loan went into a default or not, which means this is a binary classification problem (there are just two classes). You will use the rpart package to fit the decision tree and the rpart.plot package to visualize the tree.

# Look at the data
credit <- fread("credit.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) 
credit[, default := factor(default)]
creditsub <- credit[sample(1:nrow(credit), 522),]
Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  522 obs. of  17 variables:
 $ checking_balance    : Factor w/ 4 levels "1 - 200 DM","< 0 DM",..: 2 1 4 2 4 4 2 1 4 2 ...
 $ months_loan_duration: int  30 39 24 12 48 39 12 9 18 27 ...
 $ credit_history      : Factor w/ 5 levels "critical","good",..: 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 ...
 $ purpose             : Factor w/ 6 levels "business","car",..: 6 5 5 5 5 2 2 4 5 5 ...
 $ amount              : int  11998 4933 2397 1262 3578 2569 1893 1199 1169 3416 ...
 $ savings_balance     : Factor w/ 5 levels "100 - 500 DM",..: 3 3 2 5 5 2 3 3 5 3 ...
 $ employment_duration : Factor w/ 5 levels "1 - 4 years",..: 3 2 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 ...
 $ percent_of_income   : int  1 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 ...
 $ years_at_residence  : int  1 2 2 4 1 4 4 4 3 2 ...
 $ age                 : int  34 25 35 49 47 24 29 67 29 27 ...
 $ other_credit        : Factor w/ 3 levels "bank","none",..: 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ housing             : Factor w/ 3 levels "other","own",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ existing_loans_count: int  1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ...
 $ job                 : Factor w/ 4 levels "management","skilled",..: 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ dependents          : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ phone               : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 ...
 $ default             : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
# Create the model
credit_model <- rpart(formula = default ~ ., 
                      data = creditsub, 
                      method = "class")

# Display the results
rpart.plot(x = credit_model, yesno = 2, type = 0, extra = 0)

Train/test split

For this exercise, you’ll randomly split the German Credit Dataset into two pieces: a training set (80%) called credit_train and a test set (20%) that we will call credit_test. We’ll use these two sets throughout the chapter.

# Total number of rows in the credit data frame
n <- nrow(credit)

# Number of rows for the training set (80% of the dataset)
n_train <- round(.8 * n) 

# Create a vector of indices which is an 80% random sample
train_indices <- sample(1:n, n_train)

# Subset the credit data frame to training indices only
credit_train <- credit[train_indices, ]  
# Exclude the training indices to create the test set
credit_test <- credit[-train_indices, ]  

# Train the model (to predict 'default')
credit_model <- rpart(formula = default ~., 
                      data = credit_train, 
                      method = "class")

# Look at the model output                      
n= 800 

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

  1) root 800 230 no (0.7125000 0.2875000)  
    2) checking_balance=> 200 DM,unknown 365  48 no (0.8684932 0.1315068) *
    3) checking_balance=1 - 200 DM,< 0 DM 435 182 no (0.5816092 0.4183908)  
      6) months_loan_duration< 22.5 259  85 no (0.6718147 0.3281853)  
       12) credit_history=critical,good,poor 235  68 no (0.7106383 0.2893617)  
         24) months_loan_duration< 11.5 70  11 no (0.8428571 0.1571429) *
         25) months_loan_duration>=11.5 165  57 no (0.6545455 0.3454545)  
           50) amount>=1282 112  30 no (0.7321429 0.2678571) *
           51) amount< 1282 53  26 yes (0.4905660 0.5094340)  
            102) purpose=business,education,furniture/appliances 34  12 no (0.6470588 0.3529412) *
            103) purpose=car,renovations 19   4 yes (0.2105263 0.7894737) *
       13) credit_history=perfect,very good 24   7 yes (0.2916667 0.7083333) *
      7) months_loan_duration>=22.5 176  79 yes (0.4488636 0.5511364)  
       14) savings_balance=> 1000 DM,unknown 29   7 no (0.7586207 0.2413793) *
       15) savings_balance=100 - 500 DM,500 - 1000 DM,< 100 DM 147  57 yes (0.3877551 0.6122449)  
         30) months_loan_duration< 47.5 119  54 yes (0.4537815 0.5462185)  
           60) amount>=2313.5 93  45 no (0.5161290 0.4838710)  
            120) amount< 3026 19   5 no (0.7368421 0.2631579) *
            121) amount>=3026 74  34 yes (0.4594595 0.5405405)  
              242) percent_of_income< 2.5 38  15 no (0.6052632 0.3947368)  
                484) purpose=business,car,education 23   6 no (0.7391304 0.2608696) *
                485) purpose=car0,furniture/appliances,renovations 15   6 yes (0.4000000 0.6000000) *
              243) percent_of_income>=2.5 36  11 yes (0.3055556 0.6944444) *
           61) amount< 2313.5 26   6 yes (0.2307692 0.7692308) *
         31) months_loan_duration>=47.5 28   3 yes (0.1071429 0.8928571) *

Compute confusion matrix

As discussed in the previous video, there are a number of different metrics by which you can measure the performance of a classification model. In this exercise, we will evaluate the performance of the model using test set classification error. A confusion matrix is a convenient way to examine the per-class error rates for all classes at once. The confusionMatrix() function from the caret package prints both the confusion matrix and a number of other useful classification metrics such as “Accuracy” (fraction of correctly classified instances). The caret package has been loaded for you.

# Generate predicted classes using the model object
class_prediction <- predict(object = credit_model,  
                        newdata = credit_test,   
                        type = "class")  
# Calculate the confusion matrix for the test set

class_prediction <- factor(class_prediction, levels = levels(credit_test$default) )
confusionMatrix(data = class_prediction,       
                reference = credit_test$default, positive = "yes")  
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  117  44
       yes  13  26
               Accuracy : 0.715           
                 95% CI : (0.6471, 0.7764)
    No Information Rate : 0.65            
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.03046         
                  Kappa : 0.3023          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 7.08e-05        
            Sensitivity : 0.3714          
            Specificity : 0.9000          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.6667          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7267          
             Prevalence : 0.3500          
         Detection Rate : 0.1300          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.1950          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.6357          
       'Positive' Class : yes             

Compare models with a different splitting criterion

Train two models that use a different splitting criterion and use the validation set to choose a “best” model from this group. To do this you’ll use the parms argument of the rpart() function. This argument takes a named list that contains values of different parameters you can use to change how the model is trained. Set the parameter split to control the splitting criterion.

# Train a gini-based model
credit_model1 <- rpart(formula = default ~ ., 
                       data = credit_train, 
                       method = "class",
                       parms = list(split = "gini"))

# Train an information-based model
credit_model2 <- rpart(formula = default ~ ., 
                       data = credit_train, 
                       method = "class",
                       parms = list(split = "information"))

# Generate predictions on the validation set using the gini model
pred1 <- predict(object = credit_model1, 
             newdata = credit_test,
             type = "class")    

# Generate predictions on the validation set using the information model
pred2 <- predict(object = credit_model2, 
             newdata = credit_test,
             type = "class") 

dt_preds <- predict(object = credit_model2, 
             newdata = credit_test,
             type = "prob") 

# Compare classification error
ce(actual = credit_test$default, 
   predicted = pred1)
[1] 0.285
ce(actual = credit_test$default, 
   predicted = pred2)  
[1] 0.285

The response is final_grade (numeric: from 0 to 20, output target).

After initial exploration, split the data into training, validation, and test sets. In this chapter, we will introduce the idea of a validation set, which can be used to select a “best” model from a set of competing models. In Chapter 1, we demonstrated a simple way to split the data into two pieces using the sample() function. In this exercise, we will take a slightly different approach to splitting the data that allows us to split the data into more than two parts (here, we want three: train, validation, test). We still use the sample() function, but instead of sampling the indices themselves, we will assign each row to either the training, validation or test sets according to a probability distribution. The dataset grade is already in your workspace.

grade <- read.csv("grade.csv")
# Look at the data
'data.frame':   395 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ final_grade: num  3 3 5 7.5 5 7.5 5.5 3 9.5 7.5 ...
 $ age        : int  18 17 15 15 16 16 16 17 15 15 ...
 $ address    : chr  "U" "U" "U" "U" ...
 $ studytime  : int  2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ schoolsup  : chr  "yes" "no" "yes" "no" ...
 $ famsup     : chr  "no" "yes" "no" "yes" ...
 $ paid       : chr  "no" "no" "yes" "yes" ...
 $ absences   : int  6 4 10 2 4 10 0 6 0 0 ...
# Set seed and create assignment
assignment <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(grade), prob = c(.7, .15, .15), replace = TRUE)

# Create a train, validation and tests from the original data frame 
grade_train <- grade[assignment == 1, ]    # subset grade to training indices only
grade_valid <- grade[assignment == 2, ]  # subset grade to validation indices only
grade_test <- grade[assignment == 3, ]   # subset grade to test indices only

Train a regression tree model

In this exercise, we will use the grade_train dataset to fit a regression tree using rpart() and visualize it using rpart.plot(). A regression tree plot looks identical to a classification tree plot, with the exception that there will be numeric values in the leaf nodes instead of predicted classes. This is very similar to what we did previously in Chapter 1. When fitting a classification tree, we use method = “class”, however, when fitting a regression tree, we need to set method = “anova”. By default, the rpart() function will make an intelligent guess as to what the method value should be based on the data type of your response column, but it’s recommened that you explictly set the method for reproducibility reasons (since the auto-guesser may change in the future). The grade_train training set is loaded into the workspace.

# Train the model
grade_model <- rpart(formula = final_grade ~ ., 
                     data = grade_train, 
                     method = "anova")

# Look at the model output                      
n= 282 

node), split, n, deviance, yval
      * denotes terminal node

 1) root 282 1519.49700 5.271277  
   2) absences< 0.5 82  884.18600 4.323171  
     4) paid=no 50  565.50500 3.430000  
       8) famsup=yes 22  226.36360 2.272727 *
       9) famsup=no 28  286.52680 4.339286 *
     5) paid=yes 32  216.46880 5.718750  
      10) age>=17.5 10   82.90000 4.100000 *
      11) age< 17.5 22   95.45455 6.454545 *
   3) absences>=0.5 200  531.38000 5.660000  
     6) absences>=13.5 42  111.61900 4.904762 *
     7) absences< 13.5 158  389.43670 5.860759  
      14) schoolsup=yes 23   50.21739 4.847826 *
      15) schoolsup=no 135  311.60000 6.033333  
        30) studytime< 3.5 127  276.30710 5.940945 *
        31) studytime>=3.5 8   17.00000 7.500000 *
# Plot the tree model
rpart.plot(x = grade_model, yesno = 2, type = 0, extra = 0)

Evaluate a regression tree model

Predict the final grade for all students in the test set. The grade is on a 0-20 scale. Evaluate the model based on test set RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error). RMSE tells us approximately how far away our predictions are from the true values.

# Generate predictions on a test set
pred <- predict(object = grade_model,   # model object 
                newdata = grade_test)  # test dataset

# Compute the RMSE
rmse(actual = grade_test$final_grade, 
     predicted = pred)
[1] 2.278249

Tuning the model

Tune (or “trim”) the model using the prune() function by finding the best “CP” value (CP stands for “Complexity Parameter”).

# Plot the "CP Table"

# Print the "CP Table"
          CP nsplit rel error    xerror       xstd
1 0.06839852      0 1.0000000 1.0066743 0.09169976
2 0.06726713      1 0.9316015 1.0185398 0.08663026
3 0.03462630      2 0.8643344 0.8923588 0.07351895
4 0.02508343      3 0.8297080 0.9046335 0.08045100
5 0.01995676      4 0.8046246 0.8920489 0.08153881
6 0.01817661      5 0.7846679 0.9042142 0.08283114
7 0.01203879      6 0.7664912 0.8833557 0.07945742
8 0.01000000      7 0.7544525 0.8987112 0.08200148
# Retrieve optimal cp value based on cross-validated error
opt_index <- which.min(grade_model$cptable[, "xerror"])
cp_opt <- grade_model$cptable[opt_index, "CP"]

# Prune the model (to optimized cp value)
grade_model_opt <- prune(tree = grade_model, 
                         cp = cp_opt)
# Plot the optimized model
rpart.plot(x = grade_model_opt, yesno = 2, type = 0, extra = 0)

Generate a grid of hyperparameter values

Use expand.grid() to generate a grid of maxdepth and minsplit values.

# Establish a list of possible values for minsplit and maxdepth
minsplit <- seq(1, 4, 1)
maxdepth <- seq(1, 6, 1)

# Create a data frame containing all combinations 
hyper_grid <- expand.grid(minsplit = minsplit, maxdepth = maxdepth)

# Check out the grid
  minsplit maxdepth
1        1        1
2        2        1
3        3        1
4        4        1
5        1        2
6        2        2
# Print the number of grid combinations
[1] 24

Generate a grid of models

In this exercise, we will write a simple loop to train a “grid” of models and store the models in a list called grade_models. R users who are familiar with the apply functions in R could think about how this loop could be easily converted into a function applied to a list as an extra-credit thought experiment.

# Number of potential models in the grid
num_models <- nrow(hyper_grid)

# Create an empty list to store models
grade_models <- list()

# Write a loop over the rows of hyper_grid to train the grid of models
for (i in 1:num_models) {

    # Get minsplit, maxdepth values at row i
    minsplit <- hyper_grid$minsplit[i]
    maxdepth <- hyper_grid$maxdepth[i]

    # Train a model and store in the list
    grade_models[[i]] <- rpart(formula = final_grade ~ ., 
                               data = grade_train, 
                               method = "anova",
                               minsplit = minsplit,
                               maxdepth = maxdepth)

Evaluate the grid Earlier in the chapter we split the dataset into three parts: training, validation and test.

A dataset that is not used in training is sometimes referred to as a “holdout” set. A holdout set is used to estimate model performance and although both validation and test sets are considered to be holdout data, there is a key difference:

Just like a test set, a validation set is used to evaluate the performance of a model. The difference is that a validation set is specifically used to compare the performance of a group of models with the goal of choosing a “best model” from the group. All the models in a group are evaluated on the same validation set and the model with the best performance is considered to be the winner. Once you have the best model, a final estimate of performance is computed on the test set. A test set should only ever be used to estimate model performance and should not be used in model selection. Typically if you use a test set more than once, you are probably doing something wrong.

# Number of potential models in the grid
num_models <- length(grade_models)

# Create an empty vector to store RMSE values
rmse_values <- c()

# Write a loop over the models to compute validation RMSE
for (i in 1:num_models) {

    # Retrieve the i^th model from the list
    model <- grade_models[[i]]
    # Generate predictions on grade_valid 
    pred <- predict(object = model,
                    newdata = grade_valid)
    # Compute validation RMSE and add to the 
    rmse_values[i] <- rmse(actual = grade_valid$final_grade, 
                           predicted = pred)

# Identify the model with smallest validation set RMSE
best_model <- grade_models[[which.min(rmse_values)]]

# Print the model paramters of the best model
[1] 2

[1] 1

[1] 0.01

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 2

[1] 0

[1] 1

[1] 10
# Compute test set RMSE on best_model
pred <- predict(object = best_model,
                newdata = grade_test)
rmse(actual = grade_test$final_grade, 
     predicted = pred)
[1] 2.124109

Train a bagged tree model

Let’s start by training a bagged tree model. You’ll be using the bagging() function from the ipred package. The number of bagged trees can be specified using the nbagg parameter, but here we will use the default (25). If we want to estimate the model’s accuracy using the “out-of-bag” (OOB) samples, we can set the the coob parameter to TRUE. The OOB samples are the training obsevations that were not selected into the bootstrapped sample (used in training). Since these observations were not used in training, we can use them instead to evaluate the accuracy of the model (done automatically inside the bagging() function).

# Bagging is a randomized model, so let's set a seed (123) for reproducibility

# Train a bagged model
credit_model <- bagging(formula = default ~ ., 
                        data = credit_train,
                        coob = TRUE)

# Print the model

Bagging classification trees with 25 bootstrap replications 

Call: = default ~ ., data = credit_train, 
    coob = TRUE)

Out-of-bag estimate of misclassification error:  0.2537 

Prediction and confusion matrix

As you saw in the video, a confusion matrix is a very useful tool for examining all possible outcomes of your predictions (true positive, true negative, false positive, false negative). In this exercise, you will predict those who will default using bagged trees. You will also create the confusion matrix using the confusionMatrix() function from the caret package. It’s always good to take a look at the output using the print() function.

# Generate predicted classes using the model object
class_prediction <- predict(object = credit_model,    
                            newdata = credit_test,  
                            type = "class")  # return classification labels

# Print the predicted classes
  [1] no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  no 
 [19] no  no  yes no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no 
 [37] yes yes no  yes no  yes no  no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  yes no  yes
 [55] yes no  yes no  yes no  no  yes no  no  yes yes no  yes no  no  no  yes
 [73] yes no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  no  yes no  no  yes no  no 
 [91] no  no  no  yes yes no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no  yes no  no  no 
[109] no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  yes no  no  yes
[127] yes no  yes no  no  no  no  no  yes no  yes yes no  no  no  no  yes no 
[145] no  no  yes no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no 
[163] yes no  yes no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no  no 
[181] no  no  yes yes yes no  yes no  no  no  no  no  yes no  no  no  yes no 
[199] no  yes
Levels: no yes
# Calculate the confusion matrix for the test set
confusionMatrix(data =  class_prediction,     
                reference =  credit_test$default, positive = "yes")  
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  119  33
       yes  11  37
               Accuracy : 0.78            
                 95% CI : (0.7161, 0.8354)
    No Information Rate : 0.65            
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 4.557e-05       
                  Kappa : 0.4787          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.001546        
            Sensitivity : 0.5286          
            Specificity : 0.9154          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.7708          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7829          
             Prevalence : 0.3500          
         Detection Rate : 0.1850          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.2400          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.7220          
       'Positive' Class : yes             

Predict on a test set and compute AUC

In binary classification problems, we can predict numeric values instead of class labels. In fact, class labels are created only after you use the model to predict a raw, numeric, predicted value for a test point. The predicted label is generated by applying a threshold to the predicted value, such that all tests points with predicted value greater than that threshold get a predicted label of “1” and, points below that threshold get a predicted label of “0”. In this exercise, generate predicted values (rather than class labels) on the test set and evaluate performance based on AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve). The AUC is a common metric for evaluating the discriminatory ability of a binary classification model.

# Generate predictions on the test set
pred <- predict(object = credit_model,
                newdata = credit_test,
                type = "prob")

# `pred` is a matrix
[1] "matrix" "array" 
# Look at the pred format
       no  yes
[1,] 0.92 0.08
[2,] 0.92 0.08
[3,] 1.00 0.00
[4,] 1.00 0.00
[5,] 0.16 0.84
[6,] 0.84 0.16
# Compute the AUC (`actual` must be a binary (or 1/0 numeric) vector)
credit_ipred_model_test_auc <- auc(actual = ifelse(credit_test$default == "yes", 1, 0), 
    predicted = pred[,"yes"])  

[1] 0.8084066

Cross-validate a bagged tree model in caret

Use caret::train() with the “treebag” method to train a model and evaluate the model using cross-validated AUC. The caret package allows the user to easily cross-validate any model across any relevant performance metric. In this case, we will use 5-fold cross validation and evaluate cross-validated AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve).

# Specify the training configuration
ctrl_bag <- trainControl(method = "cv",     # Cross-validation
                     number = 5,      # 5 folds
                     classProbs = TRUE,                  # For AUC
                     summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)  # For AUC

# Cross validate the credit model using "treebag" method; 
# Track AUC (Area under the ROC curve)
set.seed(1)  # for reproducibility
credit_caret_model <- train(default ~ .,
                            data = credit_train, 
                            method = "treebag",
                            metric = "ROC",
                            trControl = ctrl_bag)

# Look at the model object
Bagged CART 

800 samples
 16 predictor
  2 classes: 'no', 'yes' 

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 640, 640, 640, 640, 640 
Resampling results:

  ROC       Sens       Spec     
  0.744508  0.8736842  0.4173913
# Inspect the contents of the model list 
 [1] "method"       "modelInfo"    "modelType"    "results"      "pred"        
 [6] "bestTune"     "call"         "dots"         "metric"       "control"     
[11] "finalModel"   "preProcess"   "trainingData" "ptype"        "resample"    
[16] "resampledCM"  "perfNames"    "maximize"     "yLimits"      "times"       
[21] "levels"       "terms"        "coefnames"    "contrasts"    "xlevels"     
# Print the CV AUC
[1] 0.744508

Generate predictions from the caret model

Generate predictions on a test set for the caret model.

# Generate predictions on the test set
bag_preds <- predict(object = credit_caret_model, 
                newdata = credit_test,
                type = "prob")

# Compute the AUC (`actual` must be a binary (or 1/0 numeric) vector)
credit_caret_model_test_auc <- auc(actual = ifelse(credit_test$default == "yes", 1, 0), 
                    predicted = pred[,"yes"])

[1] 0.8084066

Compare test set performance to CV performance

In this excercise, you will print test set AUC estimates that you computed in previous exercises. These two methods use the same code underneath, so the estimates should be very similar.

The credit_ipred_model_test_auc object stores the test set AUC from the model trained using the ipred::bagging() function. The credit_caret_model_test_auc object stores the test set AUC from the model trained using the caret::train() function with method = “treebag”. Lastly, we will print the 5-fold cross-validated estimate of AUC that is stored within the credit_caret_model object. This number will be a more accurate estimate of the true model performance since we have averaged the performance over five models instead of just one.

On small datasets like this one, the difference between test set model performance estimates and cross-validated model performance estimates will tend to be more pronounced. When using small data, it’s recommended to use cross-validated estimates of performance because they are more stable.

# Print ipred::bagging test set AUC estimate
[1] 0.8084066
# Print caret "treebag" test set AUC estimate
[1] 0.8084066
# Compare to caret 5-fold cross-validated AUC
credit_caret_model$results[, "ROC"]
[1] 0.744508

Train a Random Forest model

Here you will use the randomForest() function from the randomForest package to train a Random Forest classifier to predict loan default.

# Train a Random Forest
set.seed(1)  # for reproducibility
credit_model <- randomForest(formula = default ~ ., 
                             data = credit_train)
# Print the model output                             

 randomForest(formula = default ~ ., data = credit_train) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 4

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 24.12%
Confusion matrix:
     no yes class.error
no  521  49  0.08596491
yes 144  86  0.62608696

Evaluate out-of-bag error

Here you will plot the OOB error as a function of the number of trees trained, and extract the final OOB error of the Random Forest model from the trained model object.

# Grab OOB error matrix & take a look
err <- credit_model$err.rate
           OOB        no       yes
[1,] 0.3310105 0.2400000 0.5402299
[2,] 0.3519313 0.2283951 0.6338028
[3,] 0.3164129 0.1912833 0.6067416
[4,] 0.3130564 0.1886792 0.6142132
[5,] 0.3039890 0.1776062 0.6172249
[6,] 0.2957560 0.1713222 0.6036866
# Look at final OOB error rate (last row in err matrix)
oob_err <- err[nrow(err), "OOB"]
# Plot the model trained in the previous exercise

# Add a legend since it doesn't have one by default
legend(x = "right", 
       legend = colnames(err),
       fill = 1:ncol(err))

Evaluate model performance on a test set

Use the caret::confusionMatrix() function to compute test set accuracy and generate a confusion matrix. Compare the test set accuracy to the OOB accuracy.

# Generate predicted classes using the model object
class_prediction <- predict(object = credit_model,   # model object 
                            newdata = credit_test,  # test dataset
                            type = "class") # return classification labels
# Calculate the confusion matrix for the test set
cm <- confusionMatrix(data = class_prediction,       # predicted classes
                      reference = credit_test$default, positive = "yes")  # actual classes
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  121  39
       yes   9  31
               Accuracy : 0.76            
                 95% CI : (0.6947, 0.8174)
    No Information Rate : 0.65            
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.0005292       
                  Kappa : 0.4146          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 2.842e-05       
            Sensitivity : 0.4429          
            Specificity : 0.9308          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.7750          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.7562          
             Prevalence : 0.3500          
         Detection Rate : 0.1550          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.2000          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.6868          
       'Positive' Class : yes             
# Compare test set accuracy to OOB accuracy
paste0("Test Accuracy: ", cm$overall[1])
[1] "Test Accuracy: 0.76"
paste0("OOB Accuracy: ", 1 - oob_err)
[1] "OOB Accuracy: 0.75875"

Advantage of OOB error

What is the main advantage of using OOB error instead of validation or test error? - If you evaluate your model using OOB error, then you don’t need to create a separate test set

Evaluate test set AUC

In Chapter 3, we learned about the AUC metric for evaluating binary classification models. In this exercise, you will compute test set AUC for the Random Forest model.

# Generate predictions on the test set
pred <- predict(object = credit_model,
            newdata = credit_test,
            type = "prob")

# `pred` is a matrix
[1] "matrix" "array"  "votes" 
# Look at the pred format
     no   yes
1 0.910 0.090
2 0.892 0.108
3 0.992 0.008
4 0.952 0.048
5 0.224 0.776
6 0.846 0.154
# Compute the AUC (`actual` must be a binary 1/0 numeric vector)
auc(actual = ifelse(credit_test$default == "yes", 1, 0), 
    predicted = pred[,"yes"])                    
[1] 0.8175824

Tuning a Random Forest via mtry

In this exercise, you will use the randomForest::tuneRF() to tune mtry (by training several models). This function is a specific utility to tune the mtry parameter based on OOB error, which is helpful when you want a quick & easy way to tune your model. A more generic way of tuning Random Forest parameters will be presented in the following exercise.

# Execute the tuning process
res <- tuneRF(x = subset(credit_train, select = -default),
              y = credit_train$default,
              ntreeTry = 500)
mtry = 4  OOB error = 24.12% 
Searching left ...
mtry = 2    OOB error = 24.5% 
-0.01554404 0.05 
Searching right ...
mtry = 8    OOB error = 23.87% 
0.01036269 0.05 

# Look at results
      mtry OOBError
2.OOB    2  0.24500
4.OOB    4  0.24125
8.OOB    8  0.23875
# Find the mtry value that minimizes OOB Error
mtry_opt <- res[,"mtry"][which.min(res[,"OOBError"])]
# If you just want to return the best RF model (rather than results)
# you can set `doBest = TRUE` in `tuneRF()` to return the best RF model
# instead of a set performance matrix.

Tuning a Random Forest via tree depth

In Chapter 2, we created a manual grid of hyperparameters using the expand.grid() function and wrote code that trained and evaluated the models of the grid in a loop. In this exercise, you will create a grid of mtry, nodesize and sampsize values. In this example, we will identify the “best model” based on OOB error. The best model is defined as the model from our grid which minimizes OOB error. Keep in mind that there are other ways to select a best model from a grid, such as choosing the best model based on validation AUC. However, for this exercise, we will use the built-in OOB error calculations instead of using a separate validation set.

# Establish a list of possible values for mtry, nodesize and sampsize
mtry <- seq(4, ncol(credit_train) * 0.8, 2)
nodesize <- seq(3, 8, 2)
sampsize <- nrow(credit_train) * c(0.7, 0.8)

# Create a data frame containing all combinations 
hyper_grid <- expand.grid(mtry = mtry, nodesize = nodesize, sampsize = sampsize)

# Create an empty vector to store OOB error values
oob_err <- c()

# Write a loop over the rows of hyper_grid to train the grid of models
for (i in 1:nrow(hyper_grid)) {

    # Train a Random Forest model
    model <- randomForest(formula = default ~ ., 
                          data = credit_train,
                          mtry = hyper_grid$mtry[i],
                          nodesize = hyper_grid$nodesize[i],
                          sampsize = hyper_grid$sampsize[i])
    # Store OOB error for the model                      
    oob_err[i] <- model$err.rate[nrow(model$err.rate), "OOB"]

# Identify optimal set of hyperparmeters based on OOB error
opt_i <- which.min(oob_err)
   mtry nodesize sampsize
17    6        3      640

Bagged trees vs. boosted trees

What is the main difference between bagged trees and boosted trees?

  • Boosted trees improve the model fit by considering past fits and bagged trees do not

Train a GBM model

Here you will use the gbm() function to train a GBM classifier to predict loan default. You will train a 10,000-tree GBM on the credit_train dataset, which is pre-loaded into your workspace. Using such a large number of trees (10,000) is probably not optimal for a GBM model, but we will build more trees than we need and then select the optimal number of trees based on early performance-based stopping. The best GBM model will likely contain fewer trees than we started with. For binary classification, gbm() requires the response to be encoded as 0/1 (numeric), so we will have to convert from a “no/yes” factor to a 0/1 numeric response column.

Also, the the gbm() function requires the user to specify a distribution argument. For a binary classification problem, you should set distribution = “bernoulli”. The Bernoulli distribution models a binary response.

# Convert "yes" to 1, "no" to 0
credit_train$default <- ifelse(as.character(credit_train$default) == "yes", 1, 0) 

# Train a 10000-tree GBM model
credit_model <- gbm(formula = default ~ ., 
                    distribution = "bernoulli", 
                    data = credit_train,
                    n.trees =  10000)
# Print the model object                    
gbm(formula = default ~ ., distribution = "bernoulli", data = credit_train, 
    n.trees = 10000)
A gradient boosted model with bernoulli loss function.
10000 iterations were performed.
There were 16 predictors of which 16 had non-zero influence.
# summary() prints variable importance

                                      var    rel.inf
amount                             amount 22.0897595
age                                   age 17.9626175
credit_history             credit_history 10.6369658
purpose                           purpose 10.2584546
employment_duration   employment_duration  8.8596192
checking_balance         checking_balance  6.4650840
months_loan_duration months_loan_duration  5.8863990
savings_balance           savings_balance  3.7722735
job                                   job  2.9418015
other_credit                 other_credit  2.8613862
housing                           housing  2.5237773
years_at_residence     years_at_residence  2.3409228
percent_of_income       percent_of_income  1.7687143
phone                               phone  0.6373101
existing_loans_count existing_loans_count  0.5870700
dependents                     dependents  0.4078447

Prediction using a GBM model

The gbm package uses a predict() function to generate predictions from a model, similar to many other machine learning packages in R. When you see a function like predict() that works on many different types of input (a GBM model, a RF model, a GLM model, etc), that indicates that predict() is an “alias” for a GBM-specific version of that function. The GBM specific version of that function is predict.gbm(), but for convenience sake, we can just use predict() (either works).

One thing that’s particular to the predict.gbm() however, is that you need to specify the number of trees used in the prediction. There is no default, so you have to specify this manually. For now, we can use the same number of trees that we specified when training the model, which is 10,000 (though this may not be the optimal number to use).

Another argument that you can specify is type, which is only relevant to Bernoulli and Poisson distributed outcomes. When using Bernoulli loss, the returned value is on the log odds scale by default and for Poisson, it’s on the log scale. If instead you specify type = “response”, then gbm converts the predicted values back to the same scale as the outcome. This will convert the predicted values into probabilities for Bernoulli and expected counts for Poisson.

# Since we converted the training response col, let's also convert the test response col
credit_test$default <- ifelse(credit_test$default == "yes", 1, 0) 

# Generate predictions on the test set
preds1 <- predict(object = credit_model, 
                  newdata = credit_test,
                  n.trees = 10000 )

# Generate predictions on the test set (scale to response)
preds2 <- predict(object = credit_model, 
                  newdata = credit_test,
                  n.trees = 10000,
                  type = "response")

# Compare the range of the two sets of predictions
[1] -6.004812  4.646991
[1] 0.002460783 0.990500685

Evaluate test set AUC

Compute test set AUC of the GBM model for the two sets of predictions. We will notice that they are the same value. That’s because AUC is a rank-based metric, so changing the actual values does not change the value of the AUC.

However, if we were to use a scale-aware metric like RMSE to evaluate performance, we would want to make sure we converted the predictions back to the original scale of the response.

# Generate the test set AUCs using the two sets of preditions & compare
auc(actual = credit_test$default, predicted = preds1)  #default
[1] 0.7142857
auc(actual = credit_test$default, predicted = preds2)  #rescaled
[1] 0.7142857

Early stopping in GBMs

Use the gbm.perf() function to estimate the optimal number of boosting iterations (aka n.trees) for a GBM model object using both OOB and CV error. When you set out to train a large number of trees in a GBM (such as 10,000) and you use a validation method to determine an earlier (smaller) number of trees, then that’s called “early stopping”. The term “early stopping” is not unique to GBMs, but can describe auto-tuning the number of iterations in an iterative learning algorithm.

# Optimal ntree estimate based on OOB
ntree_opt_oob <- gbm.perf(object = credit_model, 
                          method = "OOB", 
                          oobag.curve = TRUE)

# Train a CV GBM model
credit_model_cv <- gbm(formula = default ~ ., 
                       distribution = "bernoulli", 
                       data = credit_train,
                       n.trees = 10000,
                       cv.folds = 5)

# Optimal ntree estimate based on CV
ntree_opt_cv <- gbm.perf(object = credit_model_cv , 
                         method = "cv")

# Compare the estimates                         
print(paste0("Optimal n.trees (OOB Estimate): ", ntree_opt_oob))                         
[1] "Optimal n.trees (OOB Estimate): 76"
print(paste0("Optimal n.trees (CV Estimate): ", ntree_opt_cv))
[1] "Optimal n.trees (CV Estimate): 127"

OOB vs CV-based early stopping

In the previous exercise, we used OOB error and cross-validated error to estimate the optimal number of trees in the GBM. These are two different ways to estimate the optimal number of trees, so in this exercise we will compare the performance of the models on a test set. We can use the same model object to make both of these estimates since the predict.gbm() function allows you to use any subset of the total number of trees (in our case, the total number is 10,000).

# Generate predictions on the test set using ntree_opt_oob number of trees
preds1 <- predict(object = credit_model, 
                  newdata = credit_test,
                  n.trees = ntree_opt_oob)
# Generate predictions on the test set using ntree_opt_cv number of trees
gbm_preds <- predict(object = credit_model, 
                  newdata = credit_test,
                  n.trees = ntree_opt_cv)   

# Generate the test set AUCs using the two sets of preditions & compare
auc1 <- auc(actual = credit_test$default, predicted = preds1)  #OOB
auc2 <- auc(actual = credit_test$default, predicted =gbm_preds)  #CV 

# Compare AUC 
print(paste0("Test set AUC (OOB): ", auc1))                         
[1] "Test set AUC (OOB): 0.802527472527472"
print(paste0("Test set AUC (CV): ", auc2))
[1] "Test set AUC (CV): 0.792527472527473"

Compare all models based on AUC

In this final exercise, we will perform a model comparison across all types of models that we’ve learned about so far: Decision Trees, Bagged Trees, Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM). The models were all trained on the same training set, credit_train, and predictions were made for the credit_test dataset.

We have pre-loaded four sets of test set predictions, generated using the models we trained in previous chapters (one for each model type). The numbers stored in the prediction vectors are the raw predicted values themselves – not the predicted class labels. Using the raw predicted values, we can calculate test set AUC for each model and compare the results.

#credit_train$default <-  factor(credit_train$default, levels  = c(0, 1))
#credit_test$default <-  factor(credit_test$default, levels = c(0, 1))

myFolds <- createFolds(credit_train$default, k = 5)
# tuneGridRf <- data.frame(
#   .mtry = c(2, 3, 7),
#   .splitrule = "variance",
#   .min.node.size = 5
# )

myControl <- trainControl(
  method = "cv",
  number = 5,
  summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
  classProbs = TRUE, # IMPORTANT!
  verboseIter = FALSE,
  index = myFolds

y =  factor(credit_train$default,levels = c(1,0),  labels = c("yes", "no"))
x <- credit_train %>% select(-default)
model_rf <- train(x =  x ,
                  y= y,
                  method = "ranger",
                  classification = TRUE,
                  metric = "ROC",
                  trControl = myControl)
rf_preds <- predict(model_rf, newdata = credit_test, type = "prob")

rf_preds <- rf_preds[, "yes"]

model_bag <- train(x = x, 
                   y = y,
                   method = "treebag",
                   metric = "ROC",
                   trControl = myControl)

bag_preds <- predict(model_bag, newdata = credit_test, type = "prob")

bag_preds  <-bag_preds[, "yes"]

hyperparams_gbm <- expand.grid(n.trees = seq(100,500, by = 50), 
                           interaction.depth = 1:7, 
                           shrinkage = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = .1), 
                           n.minobsinnode = seq(10, 30, 10))
model_gbm <- train(x = x,
                   y = y,
                   method = "gbm",
                   #tuneGrid = hyperparams_gbm,
                   metric = "ROC",
                   trControl = myControl)
Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.2650            -nan     0.1000    0.0039
     2        1.2427            -nan     0.1000    0.0095
     3        1.2226            -nan     0.1000    0.0072
     4        1.2078            -nan     0.1000    0.0015
     5        1.1963            -nan     0.1000    0.0018
     6        1.1816            -nan     0.1000    0.0039
     7        1.1712            -nan     0.1000    0.0007
     8        1.1601            -nan     0.1000    0.0007
     9        1.1506            -nan     0.1000   -0.0010
    10        1.1402            -nan     0.1000    0.0044
    20        1.0561            -nan     0.1000    0.0007
    40        0.9714            -nan     0.1000   -0.0006
    60        0.9192            -nan     0.1000   -0.0048
    80        0.8788            -nan     0.1000   -0.0041
   100        0.8515            -nan     0.1000   -0.0014
   120        0.8191            -nan     0.1000   -0.0056
   140        0.7927            -nan     0.1000   -0.0041
   150        0.7834            -nan     0.1000   -0.0037

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.2528            -nan     0.1000    0.0081
     2        1.2246            -nan     0.1000    0.0064
     3        1.1934            -nan     0.1000    0.0106
     4        1.1729            -nan     0.1000    0.0022
     5        1.1475            -nan     0.1000    0.0070
     6        1.1305            -nan     0.1000    0.0000
     7        1.1180            -nan     0.1000    0.0005
     8        1.0926            -nan     0.1000    0.0005
     9        1.0726            -nan     0.1000    0.0045
    10        1.0576            -nan     0.1000   -0.0013
    20        0.9674            -nan     0.1000   -0.0046
    40        0.8488            -nan     0.1000   -0.0153
    60        0.7727            -nan     0.1000   -0.0039
    80        0.6981            -nan     0.1000   -0.0045
   100        0.6502            -nan     0.1000   -0.0015
   120        0.6014            -nan     0.1000   -0.0036
   140        0.5684            -nan     0.1000   -0.0033
   150        0.5464            -nan     0.1000   -0.0009

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.2438            -nan     0.1000    0.0155
     2        1.2147            -nan     0.1000    0.0054
     3        1.1900            -nan     0.1000    0.0060
     4        1.1626            -nan     0.1000    0.0052
     5        1.1412            -nan     0.1000    0.0017
     6        1.1199            -nan     0.1000    0.0026
     7        1.0992            -nan     0.1000    0.0009
     8        1.0813            -nan     0.1000   -0.0046
     9        1.0672            -nan     0.1000   -0.0023
    10        1.0506            -nan     0.1000   -0.0080
    20        0.9000            -nan     0.1000   -0.0032
    40        0.7530            -nan     0.1000   -0.0073
    60        0.6553            -nan     0.1000   -0.0054
    80        0.5664            -nan     0.1000   -0.0073
   100        0.5062            -nan     0.1000   -0.0059
   120        0.4603            -nan     0.1000   -0.0057
   140        0.4111            -nan     0.1000   -0.0043
   150        0.3856            -nan     0.1000   -0.0035

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.0493            -nan     0.1000    0.0012
     2        1.0312            -nan     0.1000    0.0065
     3        1.0190            -nan     0.1000   -0.0028
     4        1.0054            -nan     0.1000    0.0000
     5        0.9983            -nan     0.1000   -0.0054
     6        0.9814            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
     7        0.9722            -nan     0.1000    0.0000
     8        0.9649            -nan     0.1000    0.0024
     9        0.9579            -nan     0.1000    0.0004
    10        0.9509            -nan     0.1000    0.0011
    20        0.9017            -nan     0.1000   -0.0067
    40        0.8232            -nan     0.1000   -0.0027
    60        0.7655            -nan     0.1000   -0.0019
    80        0.7302            -nan     0.1000   -0.0026
   100        0.6907            -nan     0.1000   -0.0018
   120        0.6691            -nan     0.1000   -0.0074
   140        0.6566            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
   150        0.6459            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.0321            -nan     0.1000    0.0031
     2        1.0123            -nan     0.1000   -0.0019
     3        0.9904            -nan     0.1000    0.0021
     4        0.9813            -nan     0.1000   -0.0088
     5        0.9736            -nan     0.1000   -0.0005
     6        0.9543            -nan     0.1000    0.0044
     7        0.9453            -nan     0.1000   -0.0038
     8        0.9327            -nan     0.1000   -0.0033
     9        0.9221            -nan     0.1000   -0.0018
    10        0.9059            -nan     0.1000    0.0043
    20        0.8193            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042
    40        0.6906            -nan     0.1000   -0.0047
    60        0.6227            -nan     0.1000   -0.0049
    80        0.5567            -nan     0.1000   -0.0028
   100        0.5066            -nan     0.1000   -0.0055
   120        0.4600            -nan     0.1000   -0.0059
   140        0.4173            -nan     0.1000   -0.0066
   150        0.4008            -nan     0.1000   -0.0024

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.0386            -nan     0.1000    0.0032
     2        1.0199            -nan     0.1000    0.0012
     3        1.0082            -nan     0.1000   -0.0025
     4        0.9934            -nan     0.1000   -0.0032
     5        0.9699            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042
     6        0.9500            -nan     0.1000   -0.0011
     7        0.9247            -nan     0.1000    0.0039
     8        0.9062            -nan     0.1000   -0.0055
     9        0.8931            -nan     0.1000   -0.0046
    10        0.8790            -nan     0.1000   -0.0041
    20        0.7603            -nan     0.1000   -0.0044
    40        0.6094            -nan     0.1000   -0.0032
    60        0.5139            -nan     0.1000   -0.0026
    80        0.4287            -nan     0.1000   -0.0012
   100        0.3686            -nan     0.1000   -0.0040
   120        0.3319            -nan     0.1000   -0.0055
   140        0.2831            -nan     0.1000   -0.0024
   150        0.2612            -nan     0.1000   -0.0024

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1727            -nan     0.1000    0.0048
     2        1.1566            -nan     0.1000    0.0042
     3        1.1399            -nan     0.1000    0.0027
     4        1.1174            -nan     0.1000    0.0048
     5        1.0990            -nan     0.1000    0.0023
     6        1.0846            -nan     0.1000    0.0023
     7        1.0754            -nan     0.1000    0.0018
     8        1.0645            -nan     0.1000    0.0035
     9        1.0550            -nan     0.1000   -0.0008
    10        1.0466            -nan     0.1000   -0.0008
    20        0.9777            -nan     0.1000    0.0019
    40        0.8611            -nan     0.1000   -0.0011
    60        0.7978            -nan     0.1000   -0.0013
    80        0.7429            -nan     0.1000   -0.0040
   100        0.7077            -nan     0.1000   -0.0046
   120        0.6889            -nan     0.1000   -0.0027
   140        0.6654            -nan     0.1000   -0.0016
   150        0.6559            -nan     0.1000   -0.0011

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1591            -nan     0.1000    0.0058
     2        1.1253            -nan     0.1000    0.0114
     3        1.0902            -nan     0.1000    0.0116
     4        1.0662            -nan     0.1000    0.0025
     5        1.0593            -nan     0.1000   -0.0112
     6        1.0380            -nan     0.1000    0.0034
     7        1.0167            -nan     0.1000    0.0040
     8        0.9910            -nan     0.1000    0.0052
     9        0.9677            -nan     0.1000    0.0079
    10        0.9546            -nan     0.1000   -0.0062
    20        0.8419            -nan     0.1000   -0.0025
    40        0.6865            -nan     0.1000   -0.0037
    60        0.6017            -nan     0.1000   -0.0013
    80        0.5465            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042
   100        0.4891            -nan     0.1000   -0.0037
   120        0.4468            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
   140        0.4141            -nan     0.1000   -0.0066
   150        0.3985            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1740            -nan     0.1000   -0.0038
     2        1.1288            -nan     0.1000    0.0121
     3        1.0920            -nan     0.1000    0.0046
     4        1.0637            -nan     0.1000    0.0088
     5        1.0287            -nan     0.1000    0.0107
     6        1.0025            -nan     0.1000   -0.0025
     7        0.9746            -nan     0.1000    0.0011
     8        0.9501            -nan     0.1000    0.0005
     9        0.9284            -nan     0.1000   -0.0074
    10        0.9116            -nan     0.1000   -0.0016
    20        0.7753            -nan     0.1000   -0.0005
    40        0.6060            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
    60        0.4993            -nan     0.1000    0.0012
    80        0.4251            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042
   100        0.3696            -nan     0.1000   -0.0020
   120        0.3210            -nan     0.1000   -0.0020
   140        0.2723            -nan     0.1000   -0.0012
   150        0.2511            -nan     0.1000   -0.0026

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.2101            -nan     0.1000   -0.0015
     2        1.1790            -nan     0.1000    0.0183
     3        1.1480            -nan     0.1000    0.0163
     4        1.1148            -nan     0.1000    0.0101
     5        1.0826            -nan     0.1000    0.0125
     6        1.0723            -nan     0.1000    0.0024
     7        1.0499            -nan     0.1000    0.0121
     8        1.0395            -nan     0.1000   -0.0027
     9        1.0187            -nan     0.1000    0.0074
    10        1.0063            -nan     0.1000    0.0043
    20        0.9174            -nan     0.1000   -0.0016
    40        0.8156            -nan     0.1000   -0.0010
    60        0.7405            -nan     0.1000   -0.0031
    80        0.7003            -nan     0.1000   -0.0016
   100        0.6655            -nan     0.1000   -0.0023
   120        0.6434            -nan     0.1000   -0.0027
   140        0.6147            -nan     0.1000   -0.0048
   150        0.6067            -nan     0.1000   -0.0012

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1551            -nan     0.1000    0.0184
     2        1.1113            -nan     0.1000    0.0181
     3        1.0712            -nan     0.1000    0.0178
     4        1.0338            -nan     0.1000    0.0092
     5        1.0134            -nan     0.1000    0.0058
     6        0.9854            -nan     0.1000    0.0107
     7        0.9625            -nan     0.1000    0.0084
     8        0.9432            -nan     0.1000    0.0041
     9        0.9335            -nan     0.1000   -0.0023
    10        0.9221            -nan     0.1000   -0.0025
    20        0.8041            -nan     0.1000   -0.0017
    40        0.6691            -nan     0.1000   -0.0066
    60        0.5943            -nan     0.1000   -0.0049
    80        0.5265            -nan     0.1000   -0.0049
   100        0.4683            -nan     0.1000   -0.0041
   120        0.4215            -nan     0.1000   -0.0018
   140        0.3862            -nan     0.1000   -0.0031
   150        0.3698            -nan     0.1000   -0.0018

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1719            -nan     0.1000    0.0194
     2        1.1111            -nan     0.1000    0.0264
     3        1.0633            -nan     0.1000    0.0174
     4        1.0323            -nan     0.1000    0.0050
     5        1.0085            -nan     0.1000    0.0025
     6        0.9997            -nan     0.1000   -0.0087
     7        0.9728            -nan     0.1000    0.0075
     8        0.9311            -nan     0.1000    0.0128
     9        0.9227            -nan     0.1000   -0.0048
    10        0.9037            -nan     0.1000    0.0010
    20        0.7400            -nan     0.1000    0.0013
    40        0.5865            -nan     0.1000   -0.0055
    60        0.4703            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
    80        0.3800            -nan     0.1000   -0.0036
   100        0.3205            -nan     0.1000   -0.0015
   120        0.2803            -nan     0.1000   -0.0023
   140        0.2401            -nan     0.1000   -0.0015
   150        0.2183            -nan     0.1000   -0.0013

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1683            -nan     0.1000    0.0149
     2        1.1484            -nan     0.1000    0.0054
     3        1.1290            -nan     0.1000    0.0081
     4        1.1046            -nan     0.1000    0.0100
     5        1.0993            -nan     0.1000   -0.0032
     6        1.0877            -nan     0.1000    0.0007
     7        1.0761            -nan     0.1000    0.0006
     8        1.0694            -nan     0.1000    0.0002
     9        1.0624            -nan     0.1000   -0.0023
    10        1.0458            -nan     0.1000   -0.0009
    20        0.9643            -nan     0.1000   -0.0015
    40        0.8710            -nan     0.1000   -0.0019
    60        0.8263            -nan     0.1000   -0.0067
    80        0.7926            -nan     0.1000   -0.0050
   100        0.7772            -nan     0.1000   -0.0060
   120        0.7532            -nan     0.1000   -0.0031
   140        0.7267            -nan     0.1000   -0.0032
   150        0.7225            -nan     0.1000   -0.0028

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1726            -nan     0.1000    0.0081
     2        1.1329            -nan     0.1000    0.0210
     3        1.0909            -nan     0.1000    0.0075
     4        1.0686            -nan     0.1000    0.0064
     5        1.0454            -nan     0.1000    0.0060
     6        1.0313            -nan     0.1000   -0.0003
     7        1.0107            -nan     0.1000    0.0060
     8        0.9922            -nan     0.1000    0.0039
     9        0.9778            -nan     0.1000   -0.0013
    10        0.9617            -nan     0.1000    0.0008
    20        0.8664            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
    40        0.7598            -nan     0.1000   -0.0031
    60        0.6822            -nan     0.1000   -0.0028
    80        0.6271            -nan     0.1000    0.0005
   100        0.5784            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
   120        0.5264            -nan     0.1000   -0.0046
   140        0.4798            -nan     0.1000   -0.0042
   150        0.4659            -nan     0.1000   -0.0067

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1689            -nan     0.1000    0.0036
     2        1.1327            -nan     0.1000    0.0121
     3        1.0929            -nan     0.1000    0.0143
     4        1.0462            -nan     0.1000    0.0100
     5        1.0181            -nan     0.1000    0.0078
     6        0.9997            -nan     0.1000    0.0011
     7        0.9750            -nan     0.1000    0.0056
     8        0.9586            -nan     0.1000   -0.0003
     9        0.9303            -nan     0.1000    0.0071
    10        0.9179            -nan     0.1000   -0.0073
    20        0.8060            -nan     0.1000   -0.0029
    40        0.6746            -nan     0.1000   -0.0055
    60        0.5787            -nan     0.1000   -0.0073
    80        0.4995            -nan     0.1000   -0.0056
   100        0.4327            -nan     0.1000   -0.0024
   120        0.3789            -nan     0.1000   -0.0030
   140        0.3350            -nan     0.1000   -0.0035
   150        0.3100            -nan     0.1000   -0.0036

Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
     1        1.1819            -nan     0.1000    0.0092
     2        1.1663            -nan     0.1000    0.0076
     3        1.1517            -nan     0.1000    0.0061
     4        1.1427            -nan     0.1000    0.0039
     5        1.1339            -nan     0.1000    0.0044
     6        1.1280            -nan     0.1000    0.0022
     7        1.1230            -nan     0.1000    0.0019
     8        1.1151            -nan     0.1000    0.0023
     9        1.1083            -nan     0.1000    0.0030
    10        1.0985            -nan     0.1000    0.0035
    20        1.0537            -nan     0.1000    0.0010
    40        1.0014            -nan     0.1000   -0.0008
    50        0.9848            -nan     0.1000   -0.0002
gbm_preds <- predict(model_gbm, newdata = credit_test, type = "prob")

gbm_preds  <- gbm_preds[, "yes"]

model_dt <- train(x = x,
                   y = y,
                   method = "rpart",
                   metric = "ROC",
                   trControl = myControl)

dt_preds <- predict(model_dt, newdata = credit_test, type = "prob")
dt_preds  <- dt_preds[, "yes"]
# Generate the test set AUCs using the two sets of predictions & compare
actual <- credit_test$default
dt_auc <- auc(actual = actual, predicted = dt_preds)
bag_auc <- auc(actual = actual, predicted = bag_preds)
rf_auc <- auc(actual = actual, predicted = rf_preds)
gbm_auc <- auc(actual = actual, predicted = gbm_preds)
# # Print results
sprintf("Decision Tree Test AUC: %.3f", dt_auc)
[1] "Decision Tree Test AUC: 0.770"
sprintf("Bagged Trees Test AUC: %.3f", bag_auc)
[1] "Bagged Trees Test AUC: 0.803"
sprintf("Random Forest Test AUC: %.3f", rf_auc)
[1] "Random Forest Test AUC: 0.814"
sprintf("GBM Test AUC: %.3f", gbm_auc)
[1] "GBM Test AUC: 0.804"

Plot & compare ROC curves

We conclude this course by plotting the ROC curves for all the models (one from each chapter) on the same graph. The ROCR package provides the prediction() and performance() functions which generate the data required for plotting the ROC curve, given a set of predictions and actual (true) values.

The more “up and to the left” the ROC curve of a model is, the better the model. The AUC performance metric is literally the “Area Under the ROC Curve”, so the greater the area under this curve, the higher the AUC, and the better-performing the model is.

# List of predictions
preds_list <- list(dt_preds, bag_preds, rf_preds, gbm_preds)

# List of actual values (same for all)
m <- length(preds_list)

actuals_list <- rep(list(credit_test$default), m)

# Plot the ROC curves
pred <- prediction(preds_list, actuals_list)
rocs <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(rocs, col = as.list(1:m), main = "Test Set ROC Curves")
legend(x = "bottomright", 
       legend = c("Decision Tree", "Bagged Trees", "Random Forest", "GBM"),
       fill = 1:m)