Data Manipulation with pandas


September 24, 2023

Transforming DataFrames

Inspecting a DataFrame

When you get a new DataFrame to work with, the first thing you need to do is explore it and see what it contains. There are several useful methods and attributes for this.

  • head() returns the first few rows (the “head” of the DataFrame).
  • info() shows information on each of the columns, such as the data type and number of missing values.
  • shape returns the number of rows and columns of the DataFrame.
  • describe() calculates a few summary statistics for each column. homelessness is a DataFrame containing estimates of homelessness in each U.S. state in 2018. The individual column is the number of homeless individuals not part of a family with children. The family_members column is the number of homeless individuals part of a family with children. The state_pop column is the state’s total population.
import pandas as pd

homelessness = pd.read_csv('data/homelessness.csv', index_col = 0)

# Print the head of the homelessness data
               region       state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
0  East South Central     Alabama       2570.0           864.0    4887681
1             Pacific      Alaska       1434.0           582.0     735139
2            Mountain     Arizona       7259.0          2606.0    7158024
3  West South Central    Arkansas       2280.0           432.0    3009733
4             Pacific  California     109008.0         20964.0   39461588
# Print information about homelessness
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 51 entries, 0 to 50
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------          --------------  -----  
 0   region          51 non-null     object 
 1   state           51 non-null     object 
 2   individuals     51 non-null     float64
 3   family_members  51 non-null     float64
 4   state_pop       51 non-null     int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 2.4+ KB
# Print the shape of homelessness
(51, 5)
# Print a description of homelessness

         individuals  family_members     state_pop
count      51.000000       51.000000  5.100000e+01
mean     7225.784314     3504.882353  6.405637e+06
std     15991.025083     7805.411811  7.327258e+06
min       434.000000       75.000000  5.776010e+05
25%      1446.500000      592.000000  1.777414e+06
50%      3082.000000     1482.000000  4.461153e+06
75%      6781.500000     3196.000000  7.340946e+06
max    109008.000000    52070.000000  3.946159e+07

Parts of a DataFrame

To better understand DataFrame objects, it’s useful to know that they consist of three components, stored as attributes:

  • .values: A two-dimensional NumPy array of values.
  • .columns: An index of columns: the column names.
  • .index: An index for the rows: either row numbers or row names. You can usually think of indexes as a list of strings or numbers, though the pandas Index data type allows for more sophisticated options. (These will be covered later in the course.)
# Print the values of homelessness

[['East South Central' 'Alabama' 2570.0 864.0 4887681]
 ['Pacific' 'Alaska' 1434.0 582.0 735139]
 ['Mountain' 'Arizona' 7259.0 2606.0 7158024]
 ['West South Central' 'Arkansas' 2280.0 432.0 3009733]
 ['Pacific' 'California' 109008.0 20964.0 39461588]
 ['Mountain' 'Colorado' 7607.0 3250.0 5691287]
 ['New England' 'Connecticut' 2280.0 1696.0 3571520]
 ['South Atlantic' 'Delaware' 708.0 374.0 965479]
 ['South Atlantic' 'District of Columbia' 3770.0 3134.0 701547]
 ['South Atlantic' 'Florida' 21443.0 9587.0 21244317]
 ['South Atlantic' 'Georgia' 6943.0 2556.0 10511131]
 ['Pacific' 'Hawaii' 4131.0 2399.0 1420593]
 ['Mountain' 'Idaho' 1297.0 715.0 1750536]
 ['East North Central' 'Illinois' 6752.0 3891.0 12723071]
 ['East North Central' 'Indiana' 3776.0 1482.0 6695497]
 ['West North Central' 'Iowa' 1711.0 1038.0 3148618]
 ['West North Central' 'Kansas' 1443.0 773.0 2911359]
 ['East South Central' 'Kentucky' 2735.0 953.0 4461153]
 ['West South Central' 'Louisiana' 2540.0 519.0 4659690]
 ['New England' 'Maine' 1450.0 1066.0 1339057]
 ['South Atlantic' 'Maryland' 4914.0 2230.0 6035802]
 ['New England' 'Massachusetts' 6811.0 13257.0 6882635]
 ['East North Central' 'Michigan' 5209.0 3142.0 9984072]
 ['West North Central' 'Minnesota' 3993.0 3250.0 5606249]
 ['East South Central' 'Mississippi' 1024.0 328.0 2981020]
 ['West North Central' 'Missouri' 3776.0 2107.0 6121623]
 ['Mountain' 'Montana' 983.0 422.0 1060665]
 ['West North Central' 'Nebraska' 1745.0 676.0 1925614]
 ['Mountain' 'Nevada' 7058.0 486.0 3027341]
 ['New England' 'New Hampshire' 835.0 615.0 1353465]
 ['Mid-Atlantic' 'New Jersey' 6048.0 3350.0 8886025]
 ['Mountain' 'New Mexico' 1949.0 602.0 2092741]
 ['Mid-Atlantic' 'New York' 39827.0 52070.0 19530351]
 ['South Atlantic' 'North Carolina' 6451.0 2817.0 10381615]
 ['West North Central' 'North Dakota' 467.0 75.0 758080]
 ['East North Central' 'Ohio' 6929.0 3320.0 11676341]
 ['West South Central' 'Oklahoma' 2823.0 1048.0 3940235]
 ['Pacific' 'Oregon' 11139.0 3337.0 4181886]
 ['Mid-Atlantic' 'Pennsylvania' 8163.0 5349.0 12800922]
 ['New England' 'Rhode Island' 747.0 354.0 1058287]
 ['South Atlantic' 'South Carolina' 3082.0 851.0 5084156]
 ['West North Central' 'South Dakota' 836.0 323.0 878698]
 ['East South Central' 'Tennessee' 6139.0 1744.0 6771631]
 ['West South Central' 'Texas' 19199.0 6111.0 28628666]
 ['Mountain' 'Utah' 1904.0 972.0 3153550]
 ['New England' 'Vermont' 780.0 511.0 624358]
 ['South Atlantic' 'Virginia' 3928.0 2047.0 8501286]
 ['Pacific' 'Washington' 16424.0 5880.0 7523869]
 ['South Atlantic' 'West Virginia' 1021.0 222.0 1804291]
 ['East North Central' 'Wisconsin' 2740.0 2167.0 5807406]
 ['Mountain' 'Wyoming' 434.0 205.0 577601]]
# Print the column index of homelessness

Index(['region', 'state', 'individuals', 'family_members', 'state_pop'], dtype='object')
# Print the row index of homelessness

Int64Index([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
            17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
            34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,

Sorting rows

Finding interesting bits of data in a DataFrame is often easier if you change the order of the rows. You can sort the rows by passing a column name to .sort_values().

In cases where rows have the same value (this is common if you sort on a categorical variable), you may wish to break the ties by sorting on another column. You can sort on multiple columns in this way by passing a list of column names.

Sort on … Syntax

  • one column df.sort_values(“breed”)
  • multiple columns df.sort_values([“breed”, “weight_kg”])
  • By combining .sort_values() with .head(), you can answer questions in the form, “What are the top cases where…?”.
# Sort homelessness by individuals
homelessness_ind = homelessness.sort_values('individuals')

# Print the top few rows
                region         state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
50            Mountain       Wyoming        434.0           205.0     577601
34  West North Central  North Dakota        467.0            75.0     758080
7       South Atlantic      Delaware        708.0           374.0     965479
39         New England  Rhode Island        747.0           354.0    1058287
45         New England       Vermont        780.0           511.0     624358
# Sort homelessness by descending family members
homelessness_fam = homelessness.sort_values('family_members', ascending = False)

# Print the top few rows

                region          state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
32        Mid-Atlantic       New York      39827.0         52070.0   19530351
4              Pacific     California     109008.0         20964.0   39461588
21         New England  Massachusetts       6811.0         13257.0    6882635
9       South Atlantic        Florida      21443.0          9587.0   21244317
43  West South Central          Texas      19199.0          6111.0   28628666
# Sort homelessness by region, then descending family members
homelessness_reg_fam =  homelessness.sort_values(['region', 'family_members'], ascending = [True, False])

# Print the top few rows

                region      state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
13  East North Central   Illinois       6752.0          3891.0   12723071
35  East North Central       Ohio       6929.0          3320.0   11676341
22  East North Central   Michigan       5209.0          3142.0    9984072
49  East North Central  Wisconsin       2740.0          2167.0    5807406
14  East North Central    Indiana       3776.0          1482.0    6695497

Subsetting columns

When working with data, you may not need all of the variables in your dataset. Square brackets ([]) can be used to select only the columns that matter to you in an order that makes sense to you. To select only “col_a” of the DataFrame df, use


To select “col_a” and “col_b” of df, use

df[["col_a", "col_b"]]
# Select the individuals column
individuals = homelessness['individuals']

# Print the head of the result
0      2570.0
1      1434.0
2      7259.0
3      2280.0
4    109008.0
Name: individuals, dtype: float64
# Select the state and family_members columns
state_fam = homelessness[['state', 'family_members']]

# Print the head of the result

        state  family_members
0     Alabama           864.0
1      Alaska           582.0
2     Arizona          2606.0
3    Arkansas           432.0
4  California         20964.0
# Select only the individuals and state columns, in that order
ind_state =  homelessness[['individuals', 'state']]

# Print the head of the result

   individuals       state
0       2570.0     Alabama
1       1434.0      Alaska
2       7259.0     Arizona
3       2280.0    Arkansas
4     109008.0  California

Subsetting rows

A large part of data science is about finding which bits of your dataset are interesting. One of the simplest techniques for this is to find a subset of rows that match some criteria. This is sometimes known as filtering rows or selecting rows.

There are many ways to subset a DataFrame, perhaps the most common is to use relational operators to return True or False for each row, then pass that inside square brackets.

dogs[dogs["height_cm"] > 60]
dogs[dogs["color"] == "tan"]

You can filter for multiple conditions at once by using the “bitwise and” operator, &.

dogs[(dogs["height_cm"] > 60) & (dogs["color"] == "tan")]
# Filter for rows where individuals is greater than 10000
ind_gt_10k = homelessness[homelessness['individuals'] > 10000]

# See the result
                region       state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
4              Pacific  California     109008.0         20964.0   39461588
9       South Atlantic     Florida      21443.0          9587.0   21244317
32        Mid-Atlantic    New York      39827.0         52070.0   19530351
37             Pacific      Oregon      11139.0          3337.0    4181886
43  West South Central       Texas      19199.0          6111.0   28628666
47             Pacific  Washington      16424.0          5880.0    7523869
# Filter for rows where region is Mountain
mountain_reg =  homelessness[homelessness['region'] == 'Mountain']

# See the result
      region       state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
2   Mountain     Arizona       7259.0          2606.0    7158024
5   Mountain    Colorado       7607.0          3250.0    5691287
12  Mountain       Idaho       1297.0           715.0    1750536
26  Mountain     Montana        983.0           422.0    1060665
28  Mountain      Nevada       7058.0           486.0    3027341
31  Mountain  New Mexico       1949.0           602.0    2092741
44  Mountain        Utah       1904.0           972.0    3153550
50  Mountain     Wyoming        434.0           205.0     577601
# Filter for rows where family_members is less than 1000 
# and region is Pacific
fam_lt_1k_pac = homelessness[(homelessness['region'] == 'Pacific') & (homelessness['family_members']<1000 )]

# See the result
    region   state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
1  Pacific  Alaska       1434.0           582.0     735139

Subsetting rows by categorical variables

Subsetting data based on a categorical variable often involves using the “or” operator (|) to select rows from multiple categories. This can get tedious when you want all states in one of three different regions, for example. Instead, use the .isin() method, which will allow you to tackle this problem by writing one condition instead of three separate ones.

colors = ["brown", "black", "tan"]
condition = dogs["color"].isin(colors)
# Subset for rows in South Atlantic or Mid-Atlantic regions
south_mid_atlantic =  homelessness[homelessness['region'].isin(["South Atlantic", "Mid-Atlantic"])]

# See the result
            region                 state  ...  family_members  state_pop
7   South Atlantic              Delaware  ...           374.0     965479
8   South Atlantic  District of Columbia  ...          3134.0     701547
9   South Atlantic               Florida  ...          9587.0   21244317
10  South Atlantic               Georgia  ...          2556.0   10511131
20  South Atlantic              Maryland  ...          2230.0    6035802
30    Mid-Atlantic            New Jersey  ...          3350.0    8886025
32    Mid-Atlantic              New York  ...         52070.0   19530351
33  South Atlantic        North Carolina  ...          2817.0   10381615
38    Mid-Atlantic          Pennsylvania  ...          5349.0   12800922
40  South Atlantic        South Carolina  ...           851.0    5084156
46  South Atlantic              Virginia  ...          2047.0    8501286
48  South Atlantic         West Virginia  ...           222.0    1804291

[12 rows x 5 columns]
# The Mojave Desert states
canu = ["California", "Arizona", "Nevada", "Utah"]

# Filter for rows in the Mojave Desert states
mojave_homelessness = homelessness[homelessness['state'].isin(canu)]

# See the result
      region       state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
2   Mountain     Arizona       7259.0          2606.0    7158024
4    Pacific  California     109008.0         20964.0   39461588
28  Mountain      Nevada       7058.0           486.0    3027341
44  Mountain        Utah       1904.0           972.0    3153550

Adding new columns

You aren’t stuck with just the data you are given. Instead, you can add new columns to a DataFrame. This has many names, such as transforming, mutating, and feature engineering.

You can create new columns from scratch, but it is also common to derive them from other columns, for example, by adding columns together or by changing their units.

homelessness is available and pandas is loaded as pd.

# Add total col as sum of individuals and family_members

homelessness['total'] = homelessness['family_members'] + homelessness['individuals']

# Add p_individuals col as proportion of total that are individuals

homelessness['p_individuals'] = homelessness['individuals']/homelessness['total'] 

# See the result
               region       state  ...     total  p_individuals
0  East South Central     Alabama  ...    3434.0       0.748398
1             Pacific      Alaska  ...    2016.0       0.711310
2            Mountain     Arizona  ...    9865.0       0.735834
3  West South Central    Arkansas  ...    2712.0       0.840708
4             Pacific  California  ...  129972.0       0.838704

[5 rows x 7 columns]


You’ve seen the four most common types of data manipulation: sorting rows, subsetting columns, subsetting rows, and adding new columns. In a real-life data analysis, you can mix and match these four manipulations to answer a multitude of questions.

In this exercise, you’ll answer the question, “Which state has the highest number of homeless individuals per 10,000 people in the state?” Combine your new pandas skills to find out.

# Create indiv_per_10k col as homeless individuals per 10k state pop
homelessness["indiv_per_10k"] = 10000 * homelessness['individuals']/ homelessness['state_pop']

# Subset rows for indiv_per_10k greater than 20
high_homelessness = homelessness[homelessness["indiv_per_10k"]  > 20]

# Sort high_homelessness by descending indiv_per_10k
high_homelessness_srt = high_homelessness.sort_values('indiv_per_10k', ascending = False)

# From high_homelessness_srt, select the state and indiv_per_10k cols
result = high_homelessness_srt[['state', 'indiv_per_10k']]

# See the result
                   state  indiv_per_10k
8   District of Columbia      53.738381
11                Hawaii      29.079406
4             California      27.623825
37                Oregon      26.636307
28                Nevada      23.314189
47            Washington      21.829195
32              New York      20.392363

Aggregating DataFrames

Mean and median

Summary statistics are exactly what they sound like - they summarize many numbers in one statistic. For example, mean, median, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation are summary statistics. Calculating summary statistics allows you to get a better sense of your data, even if there’s a lot of it.

sales is available and pandas is loaded as pd.

sales = pd.read_csv("data/sales_subset.csv", index_col = 0)

# Print the head of the sales DataFrame
   store type  department  ... temperature_c  fuel_price_usd_per_l  unemployment
0      1    A           1  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
1      1    A           1  ...      8.055556              0.693452         8.106
2      1    A           1  ...     16.816667              0.718284         7.808
3      1    A           1  ...     22.527778              0.748928         7.808
4      1    A           1  ...     27.050000              0.714586         7.808

[5 rows x 9 columns]
# Print the info about the sales DataFrame
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 10774 entries, 0 to 10773
Data columns (total 9 columns):
 #   Column                Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                --------------  -----  
 0   store                 10774 non-null  int64  
 1   type                  10774 non-null  object 
 2   department            10774 non-null  int64  
 3   date                  10774 non-null  object 
 4   weekly_sales          10774 non-null  float64
 5   is_holiday            10774 non-null  bool   
 6   temperature_c         10774 non-null  float64
 7   fuel_price_usd_per_l  10774 non-null  float64
 8   unemployment          10774 non-null  float64
dtypes: bool(1), float64(4), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 768.1+ KB
# Print the mean of weekly_sales
# Print the median of weekly_sales

Summarizing dates

Summary statistics can also be calculated on date columns that have values with the data type datetime64. Some summary statistics — like mean — don’t make a ton of sense on dates, but others are super helpful, for example, minimum and maximum, which allow you to see what time range your data covers.

sales is available and pandas is loaded as pd.

# Print the maximum of the date column
sales["date"] = pd.to_datetime(sales["date"])
2012-10-26 00:00:00
# Print the minimum of the date column
2010-02-05 00:00:00

Efficient summaries

While pandas and NumPy have tons of functions, sometimes, you may need a different function to summarize your data.

The .agg() method allows you to apply your own custom functions to a DataFrame, as well as apply functions to more than one column of a DataFrame at once, making your aggregations super-efficient. For example,


In the custom function for this exercise, “IQR” is short for inter-quartile range, which is the 75th percentile minus the 25th percentile. It’s an alternative to standard deviation that is helpful if your data contains outliers.

sales is available and pandas is loaded as pd.

import numpy as np

# A custom IQR function
def iqr(column):
    return column.quantile(0.75) - column.quantile(0.25)

# Update to print IQR of temperature_c, fuel_price_usd_per_l, & unemployment
print(sales[["temperature_c", "fuel_price_usd_per_l", "unemployment"]].agg(iqr))
temperature_c           16.583333
fuel_price_usd_per_l     0.073176
unemployment             0.565000
dtype: float64
# Update to print IQR and median of temperature_c, fuel_price_usd_per_l, & unemployment
print(sales[["temperature_c", "fuel_price_usd_per_l", "unemployment"]].agg([iqr, np.median]))
        temperature_c  fuel_price_usd_per_l  unemployment
iqr         16.583333              0.073176         0.565
median      16.966667              0.743381         8.099

Cumulative statistics

Cumulative statistics can also be helpful in tracking summary statistics over time. In this exercise, you’ll calculate the cumulative sum and cumulative max of a department’s weekly sales, which will allow you to identify what the total sales were so far as well as what the highest weekly sales were so far.

A DataFrame called sales_1_1 has been created for you, which contains the sales data for department 1 of store 1. pandas is loaded as pd.

# Sort sales_1_1 by date
sales_1_1 = sales.sort_values(by = "date")

# Get the cumulative sum of weekly_sales, add as cum_weekly_sales col
sales_1_1['cum_weekly_sales'] = sales_1_1['weekly_sales'].cumsum()

# Get the cumulative max of weekly_sales, add as cum_max_sales col

sales_1_1['cum_max_sales'] = sales_1_1['weekly_sales'].cummax()

# See the columns you calculated
print(sales_1_1[["date", "weekly_sales", "cum_weekly_sales", "cum_max_sales"]].head())
           date  weekly_sales  cum_weekly_sales  cum_max_sales
0    2010-02-05      24924.50          24924.50       24924.50
6437 2010-02-05      38597.52          63522.02       38597.52
1249 2010-02-05       3840.21          67362.23       38597.52
6449 2010-02-05      17590.59          84952.82       38597.52
6461 2010-02-05       4929.87          89882.69       38597.52

Dropping duplicates

Removing duplicates is an essential skill to get accurate counts because often, you don’t want to count the same thing multiple times. In this exercise, you’ll create some new DataFrames using unique values from sales.

sales is available and pandas is imported as pd.

# Drop duplicate store/type combinations
store_types = sales.drop_duplicates(subset = ['store', 'type'])
      store type  department  ... temperature_c  fuel_price_usd_per_l  unemployment
0         1    A           1  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
901       2    A           1  ...      4.550000              0.679451         8.324
1798      4    A           1  ...      6.533333              0.686319         8.623
2699      6    A           1  ...      4.683333              0.679451         7.259
3593     10    B           1  ...     12.411111              0.782478         9.765

[5 rows x 9 columns]
# Drop duplicate store/department combinations
store_depts = sales.drop_duplicates(subset = ['store', 'department'])
    store type  department  ... temperature_c  fuel_price_usd_per_l  unemployment
0       1    A           1  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
12      1    A           2  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
24      1    A           3  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
36      1    A           4  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106
48      1    A           5  ...      5.727778              0.679451         8.106

[5 rows x 9 columns]
# Subset the rows where is_holiday is True and drop duplicate dates
holiday_dates = sales[sales['is_holiday']].drop_duplicates('date')

# Print date col of holiday_dates
498    2010-09-10
691    2011-11-25
2315   2010-02-12
6735   2012-09-07
6810   2010-12-31
6815   2012-02-10
6820   2011-09-09
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Counting categorical variables

Counting is a great way to get an overview of your data and to spot curiosities that you might not notice otherwise. In this exercise, you’ll count the number of each type of store and the number of each department number using the DataFrames you created in the previous exercise:

# Drop duplicate store/type combinations
store_types = sales.drop_duplicates(subset=["store", "type"])

# Drop duplicate store/department combinations
store_depts = sales.drop_duplicates(subset=["store", "department"])

The store_types and store_depts DataFrames you created in the last exercise are available, and pandas is imported as pd.

# Count the number of stores of each type
store_counts = store_types.value_counts('type')
A    11
B     1
dtype: int64
# Get the proportion of stores of each type
store_props = store_types.value_counts('type', normalize = True)
A    0.916667
B    0.083333
dtype: float64
# Count the number of each department number and sort
dept_counts_sorted = store_depts['department'].value_counts( sort = True)
1     12
55    12
72    12
71    12
67    12
37    10
48     8
50     6
39     4
43     2
Name: department, Length: 80, dtype: int64
# Get the proportion of departments of each number and sort
dept_props_sorted = store_depts['department'].value_counts( sort = True, normalize= True)
1     0.012917
55    0.012917
72    0.012917
71    0.012917
67    0.012917
37    0.010764
48    0.008611
50    0.006459
39    0.004306
43    0.002153
Name: department, Length: 80, dtype: float64

What percent of sales occurred at each store type?

While .groupby() is useful, you can calculate grouped summary statistics without it.

Walmart distinguishes three types of stores: “supercenters,” “discount stores,” and “neighborhood markets,” encoded in this dataset as type “A,” “B,” and “C.” In this exercise, you’ll calculate the total sales made at each store type, without using .groupby(). You can then use these numbers to see what proportion of Walmart’s total sales were made at each type.

sales is available and pandas is imported as pd.

# Calc total weekly sales
sales_all = sales["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Subset for type A stores, calc total weekly sales
sales_A = sales[sales["type"] == "A"]["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Subset for type B stores, calc total weekly sales
sales_B = sales[sales["type"] == "B"]["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Subset for type C stores, calc total weekly sales
sales_C = sales[sales["type"] == "C"]["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Get proportion for each type
sales_propn_by_type = [sales_A, sales_B, sales_C] / sales_all
[0.9097747 0.0902253 0.       ]

Calculations with .groupby()

The .groupby() method makes life much easier. In this exercise, you’ll perform the same calculations as last time, except you’ll use the .groupby() method. You’ll also perform calculations on data grouped by two variables to see if sales differ by store type depending on if it’s a holiday week or not.

sales is available and pandas is loaded as pd.

# Group by type; calc total weekly sales
sales_by_type = sales.groupby("type")["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Get proportion for each type
sales_propn_by_type = sales_by_type / sum(sales['weekly_sales'])
A    0.909775
B    0.090225
Name: weekly_sales, dtype: float64
# From previous step
sales_by_type = sales.groupby("type")["weekly_sales"].sum()

# Group by type and is_holiday; calc total weekly sales
sales_by_type_is_holiday = sales.groupby(["type", 'is_holiday'])["weekly_sales"].sum()
type  is_holiday
A     False         2.336927e+08
      True          2.360181e+04
B     False         2.317678e+07
      True          1.621410e+03
Name: weekly_sales, dtype: float64

Multiple grouped summaries

Earlier in this chapter, you saw that the .agg() method is useful to compute multiple statistics on multiple variables. It also works with grouped data. NumPy, which is imported as np, has many different summary statistics functions, including: np.min, np.max, np.mean, and np.median.

sales is available and pandas is imported as pd.

# Import numpy with the alias np
import numpy as np

# For each store type, aggregate weekly_sales: get min, max, mean, and median
sales_stats = sales.groupby(["type"])["weekly_sales"].agg([np.min, np.max, np.mean, np.median])

# Print sales_stats
        amin       amax          mean    median
A    -1098.0  293966.05  23674.667242  11943.92
B     -798.0  232558.51  25696.678370  13336.08
# For each store type, aggregate unemployment and fuel_price_usd_per_l: get min, max, mean, and median
unemp_fuel_stats = sales.groupby(["type"])["unemployment", "fuel_price_usd_per_l"].agg([np.min, np.max, np.mean, np.median])

# Print unemp_fuel_stats
     unemployment                   ... fuel_price_usd_per_l                    
             amin   amax      mean  ...                 amax      mean    median
type                                ...                                         
A           3.879  8.992  7.972611  ...             1.107410  0.744619  0.735455
B           7.170  9.765  9.279323  ...             1.107674  0.805858  0.803348

[2 rows x 8 columns]

Pivoting on one variable

Pivot tables are the standard way of aggregating data in spreadsheets.

In pandas, pivot tables are essentially another way of performing grouped calculations. That is, the .pivot_table() method is an alternative to .groupby().

In this exercise, you’ll perform calculations using .pivot_table() to replicate the calculations you performed in the last lesson using .groupby().

sales is available and pandas is imported as pd.

# Pivot for mean weekly_sales for each store type
mean_sales_by_type = sales.pivot_table(values = 'weekly_sales', index = 'type')

# Print mean_sales_by_type
A     23674.667242
B     25696.678370
# Pivot for mean and median weekly_sales for each store type
mean_med_sales_by_type = sales.pivot_table(values = 'weekly_sales', index = 'type', aggfunc = [np.mean, np.median])

# Print mean_med_sales_by_type
              mean       median
      weekly_sales weekly_sales
A     23674.667242     11943.92
B     25696.678370     13336.08
# Pivot for mean weekly_sales by store type and holiday 
mean_sales_by_type_holiday = sales.pivot_table(values= 'weekly_sales', index = 'type', columns = 'is_holiday')

# Print mean_sales_by_type_holiday
is_holiday         False      True 
A           23768.583523  590.04525
B           25751.980533  810.70500

Fill in missing values and sum values with pivot tables

The .pivot_table() method has several useful arguments, including fill_value and margins.

  • fill_value replaces missing values with a real value (known as imputation). What to replace missing values with is a topic big enough to have its own course (Dealing with Missing Data in Python), but the simplest thing to do is to substitute a dummy value.
  • margins is a shortcut for when you pivoted by two variables, but also wanted to pivot by each of those variables separately: it gives the row and column totals of the pivot table contents. In this exercise, you’ll practice using these arguments to up your pivot table skills, which will help you crunch numbers more efficiently!

sales is available and pandas is imported as pd.

# Print mean weekly_sales by department and type; fill missing values with 0
print(sales.pivot_table(values = 'weekly_sales',
                        index = 'department',
                        columns = 'type', 
                        fill_value = 0))
type                    A              B
1            30961.725379   44050.626667
2            67600.158788  112958.526667
3            17160.002955   30580.655000
4            44285.399091   51219.654167
5            34821.011364   63236.875000
...                   ...            ...
95          123933.787121   77082.102500
96           21367.042857    9528.538333
97           28471.266970    5828.873333
98           12875.423182     217.428333
99             379.123659       0.000000

[80 rows x 2 columns]
# Print the mean weekly_sales by department and type; fill missing values with 0s; sum all rows and cols
    columns="type", fill_value = 0, 
    margins = True))
type                   A              B           All
1           30961.725379   44050.626667  32052.467153
2           67600.158788  112958.526667  71380.022778
3           17160.002955   30580.655000  18278.390625
4           44285.399091   51219.654167  44863.253681
5           34821.011364   63236.875000  37189.000000
...                  ...            ...           ...
96          21367.042857    9528.538333  20337.607681
97          28471.266970    5828.873333  26584.400833
98          12875.423182     217.428333  11820.590278
99            379.123659       0.000000    379.123659
All         23674.667242   25696.678370  23843.950149

[81 rows x 3 columns]

Slicing and Indexing DataFrames

Setting and removing indexes

pandas allows you to designate columns as an index. This enables cleaner code when taking subsets (as well as providing more efficient lookup under some circumstances).

In this chapter, you’ll be exploring temperatures, a DataFrame of average temperatures in cities around the world. pandas is loaded as pd.

temperatures = pd.read_csv("data/temperatures.csv", index_col = 0 )

# Look at temperatures
             date     city        country  avg_temp_c
0      2000-01-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1      2000-02-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2      2000-03-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3      2000-04-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4      2000-05-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
...           ...      ...            ...         ...
16495  2013-05-01     Xian          China      18.979
16496  2013-06-01     Xian          China      23.522
16497  2013-07-01     Xian          China      25.251
16498  2013-08-01     Xian          China      24.528
16499  2013-09-01     Xian          China         NaN

[16500 rows x 4 columns]
# Set the index of temperatures to city
temperatures_ind = temperatures.set_index('city')

# Look at temperatures_ind
               date        country  avg_temp_c
Abidjan  2000-01-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
Abidjan  2000-02-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
Abidjan  2000-03-01  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
Abidjan  2000-04-01  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
Abidjan  2000-05-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
...             ...            ...         ...
Xian     2013-05-01          China      18.979
Xian     2013-06-01          China      23.522
Xian     2013-07-01          China      25.251
Xian     2013-08-01          China      24.528
Xian     2013-09-01          China         NaN

[16500 rows x 3 columns]
# Reset the temperatures_ind index, keeping its contents
print(temperatures_ind.reset_index(drop = False))
          city        date        country  avg_temp_c
0      Abidjan  2000-01-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1      Abidjan  2000-02-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2      Abidjan  2000-03-01  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3      Abidjan  2000-04-01  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4      Abidjan  2000-05-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
...        ...         ...            ...         ...
16495     Xian  2013-05-01          China      18.979
16496     Xian  2013-06-01          China      23.522
16497     Xian  2013-07-01          China      25.251
16498     Xian  2013-08-01          China      24.528
16499     Xian  2013-09-01          China         NaN

[16500 rows x 4 columns]
# Reset the temperatures_ind index, dropping its contents
print(temperatures_ind.reset_index(drop = True))
             date        country  avg_temp_c
0      2000-01-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1      2000-02-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2      2000-03-01  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3      2000-04-01  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4      2000-05-01  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
...           ...            ...         ...
16495  2013-05-01          China      18.979
16496  2013-06-01          China      23.522
16497  2013-07-01          China      25.251
16498  2013-08-01          China      24.528
16499  2013-09-01          China         NaN

[16500 rows x 3 columns]

Subsetting with .loc[]

The killer feature for indexes is .loc[]: a subsetting method that accepts index values. When you pass it a single argument, it will take a subset of rows.

The code for subsetting using .loc[] can be easier to read than standard square bracket subsetting, which can make your code less burdensome to maintain.

pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures and temperatures_ind are available; the latter is indexed by city

# Make a list of cities to subset on
cities = ["Moscow",  "Saint Petersburg"]

# Subset temperatures using square brackets
             date              city country  avg_temp_c
10725  2000-01-01            Moscow  Russia      -7.313
10726  2000-02-01            Moscow  Russia      -3.551
10727  2000-03-01            Moscow  Russia      -1.661
10728  2000-04-01            Moscow  Russia      10.096
10729  2000-05-01            Moscow  Russia      10.357
...           ...               ...     ...         ...
13360  2013-05-01  Saint Petersburg  Russia      12.355
13361  2013-06-01  Saint Petersburg  Russia      17.185
13362  2013-07-01  Saint Petersburg  Russia      17.234
13363  2013-08-01  Saint Petersburg  Russia      17.153
13364  2013-09-01  Saint Petersburg  Russia         NaN

[330 rows x 4 columns]
# Subset temperatures_ind using .loc[]
                        date country  avg_temp_c
Moscow            2000-01-01  Russia      -7.313
Moscow            2000-02-01  Russia      -3.551
Moscow            2000-03-01  Russia      -1.661
Moscow            2000-04-01  Russia      10.096
Moscow            2000-05-01  Russia      10.357
...                      ...     ...         ...
Saint Petersburg  2013-05-01  Russia      12.355
Saint Petersburg  2013-06-01  Russia      17.185
Saint Petersburg  2013-07-01  Russia      17.234
Saint Petersburg  2013-08-01  Russia      17.153
Saint Petersburg  2013-09-01  Russia         NaN

[330 rows x 3 columns]

Setting multi-level indexes

Indexes can also be made out of multiple columns, forming a multi-level index (sometimes called a hierarchical index). There is a trade-off to using these.

The benefit is that multi-level indexes make it more natural to reason about nested categorical variables. For example, in a clinical trial, you might have control and treatment groups. Then each test subject belongs to one or another group, and we can say that a test subject is nested inside the treatment group. Similarly, in the temperature dataset, the city is located in the country, so we can say a city is nested inside the country.

The main downside is that the code for manipulating indexes is different from the code for manipulating columns, so you have to learn two syntaxes and keep track of how your data is represented.

pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures is available.

# Index temperatures by country & city
temperatures_ind = temperatures.set_index(["country", "city"])

# List of tuples: Brazil, Rio De Janeiro & Pakistan, Lahore
rows_to_keep = [('Brazil','Rio De Janeiro'), ('Pakistan', 'Lahore')]

# Subset for rows to keep
                               date  avg_temp_c
country  city                                  
Brazil   Rio De Janeiro  2000-01-01      25.974
         Rio De Janeiro  2000-02-01      26.699
         Rio De Janeiro  2000-03-01      26.270
         Rio De Janeiro  2000-04-01      25.750
         Rio De Janeiro  2000-05-01      24.356
...                             ...         ...
Pakistan Lahore          2013-05-01      33.457
         Lahore          2013-06-01      34.456
         Lahore          2013-07-01      33.279
         Lahore          2013-08-01      31.511
         Lahore          2013-09-01         NaN

[330 rows x 2 columns]

Sorting by index values

Previously, you changed the order of the rows in a DataFrame by calling .sort_values(). It’s also useful to be able to sort by elements in the index. For this, you need to use .sort_index().

pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures_ind has a multi-level index of country and city, and is available.

# Sort temperatures_ind by index values
print(temperatures_ind.sort_index(level = ["country", "city"]))
                          date  avg_temp_c
country     city                          
Afghanistan Kabul   2000-01-01       3.326
            Kabul   2000-02-01       3.454
            Kabul   2000-03-01       9.612
            Kabul   2000-04-01      17.925
            Kabul   2000-05-01      24.658
...                        ...         ...
Zimbabwe    Harare  2013-05-01      18.298
            Harare  2013-06-01      17.020
            Harare  2013-07-01      16.299
            Harare  2013-08-01      19.232
            Harare  2013-09-01         NaN

[16500 rows x 2 columns]
# Sort temperatures_ind by index values at the city level
print(temperatures_ind.sort_index(level = ["city"]))
                             date  avg_temp_c
country       city                           
Côte D'Ivoire Abidjan  2000-01-01      27.293
              Abidjan  2000-02-01      27.685
              Abidjan  2000-03-01      29.061
              Abidjan  2000-04-01      28.162
              Abidjan  2000-05-01      27.547
...                           ...         ...
China         Xian     2013-05-01      18.979
              Xian     2013-06-01      23.522
              Xian     2013-07-01      25.251
              Xian     2013-08-01      24.528
              Xian     2013-09-01         NaN

[16500 rows x 2 columns]
# Sort temperatures_ind by country then descending city
print(temperatures_ind.sort_index(level = ["country", "city"], ascending = [True, False]))
                          date  avg_temp_c
country     city                          
Afghanistan Kabul   2000-01-01       3.326
            Kabul   2000-02-01       3.454
            Kabul   2000-03-01       9.612
            Kabul   2000-04-01      17.925
            Kabul   2000-05-01      24.658
...                        ...         ...
Zimbabwe    Harare  2013-05-01      18.298
            Harare  2013-06-01      17.020
            Harare  2013-07-01      16.299
            Harare  2013-08-01      19.232
            Harare  2013-09-01         NaN

[16500 rows x 2 columns]

Slicing index values

Slicing lets you select consecutive elements of an object using first:last syntax. DataFrames can be sliced by index values or by row/column number; we’ll start with the first case. This involves slicing inside the .loc[] method.

Compared to slicing lists, there are a few things to remember.

  • You can only slice an index if the index is sorted (using .sort_index()).
  • To slice at the outer level, first and last can be strings.
  • To slice at inner levels, first and last should be tuples.
  • If you pass a single slice to .loc[], it will slice the rows. pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures_ind has country and city in the index, and is available.
# Sort the index of temperatures_ind
temperatures_srt = temperatures_ind.sort_index(level = ["country", "city"])

# Subset rows from Pakistan to Russia
print(temperatures_srt.loc["Pakistan" : "Russia"])
                                 date  avg_temp_c
country  city                                    
Pakistan Faisalabad        2000-01-01      12.792
         Faisalabad        2000-02-01      14.339
         Faisalabad        2000-03-01      20.309
         Faisalabad        2000-04-01      29.072
         Faisalabad        2000-05-01      34.845
...                               ...         ...
Russia   Saint Petersburg  2013-05-01      12.355
         Saint Petersburg  2013-06-01      17.185
         Saint Petersburg  2013-07-01      17.234
         Saint Petersburg  2013-08-01      17.153
         Saint Petersburg  2013-09-01         NaN

[1155 rows x 2 columns]
# Try to subset rows from Lahore to Moscow
print(temperatures_srt.loc["Lahore" : "Moscow"])
                          date  avg_temp_c
country city                              
Mexico  Mexico      2000-01-01      12.694
        Mexico      2000-02-01      14.677
        Mexico      2000-03-01      17.376
        Mexico      2000-04-01      18.294
        Mexico      2000-05-01      18.562
...                        ...         ...
Morocco Casablanca  2013-05-01      19.217
        Casablanca  2013-06-01      23.649
        Casablanca  2013-07-01      27.488
        Casablanca  2013-08-01      27.952
        Casablanca  2013-09-01         NaN

[330 rows x 2 columns]
# Subset rows from Pakistan, Lahore to Russia, Moscow
print(temperatures_srt.loc[("Pakistan" ,"Lahore") : ("Russia", "Moscow")])
                       date  avg_temp_c
country  city                          
Pakistan Lahore  2000-01-01      12.792
         Lahore  2000-02-01      14.339
         Lahore  2000-03-01      20.309
         Lahore  2000-04-01      29.072
         Lahore  2000-05-01      34.845
...                     ...         ...
Russia   Moscow  2013-05-01      16.152
         Moscow  2013-06-01      18.718
         Moscow  2013-07-01      18.136
         Moscow  2013-08-01      17.485
         Moscow  2013-09-01         NaN

[660 rows x 2 columns]

Slicing in both directions

You’ve seen slicing DataFrames by rows and by columns, but since DataFrames are two-dimensional objects, it is often natural to slice both dimensions at once. That is, by passing two arguments to .loc[], you can subset by rows and columns in one go.

pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures_srt is indexed by country and city, has a sorted index, and is available.

# Subset rows from India, Hyderabad to Iraq, Baghdad
print(temperatures_srt.loc[("India" ,"Hyderabad") : ("Iraq", "Baghdad")])
                         date  avg_temp_c
country city                             
India   Hyderabad  2000-01-01      23.779
        Hyderabad  2000-02-01      25.826
        Hyderabad  2000-03-01      28.821
        Hyderabad  2000-04-01      32.698
        Hyderabad  2000-05-01      32.438
...                       ...         ...
Iraq    Baghdad    2013-05-01      28.673
        Baghdad    2013-06-01      33.803
        Baghdad    2013-07-01      36.392
        Baghdad    2013-08-01      35.463
        Baghdad    2013-09-01         NaN

[2145 rows x 2 columns]
# Subset columns from date to avg_temp_c
print(temperatures_srt.loc[:, "date": "avg_temp_c"])
                          date  avg_temp_c
country     city                          
Afghanistan Kabul   2000-01-01       3.326
            Kabul   2000-02-01       3.454
            Kabul   2000-03-01       9.612
            Kabul   2000-04-01      17.925
            Kabul   2000-05-01      24.658
...                        ...         ...
Zimbabwe    Harare  2013-05-01      18.298
            Harare  2013-06-01      17.020
            Harare  2013-07-01      16.299
            Harare  2013-08-01      19.232
            Harare  2013-09-01         NaN

[16500 rows x 2 columns]
# Subset in both directions at once
print(temperatures_srt.loc[("India" ,"Hyderabad") : ("Iraq", "Baghdad"), "date": "avg_temp_c"])
                         date  avg_temp_c
country city                             
India   Hyderabad  2000-01-01      23.779
        Hyderabad  2000-02-01      25.826
        Hyderabad  2000-03-01      28.821
        Hyderabad  2000-04-01      32.698
        Hyderabad  2000-05-01      32.438
...                       ...         ...
Iraq    Baghdad    2013-05-01      28.673
        Baghdad    2013-06-01      33.803
        Baghdad    2013-07-01      36.392
        Baghdad    2013-08-01      35.463
        Baghdad    2013-09-01         NaN

[2145 rows x 2 columns]

Slicing time series

Slicing is particularly useful for time series since it’s a common thing to want to filter for data within a date range. Add the date column to the index, then use .loc[] to perform the subsetting. The important thing to remember is to keep your dates in ISO 8601 format, that is, “yyyy-mm-dd” for year-month-day, “yyyy-mm” for year-month, and “yyyy” for year.

Recall from Chapter 1 that you can combine multiple Boolean conditions using logical operators, such as &. To do so in one line of code, you’ll need to add parentheses () around each condition.

# Use Boolean conditions to subset temperatures for rows in 2010 and 2011
temperatures_bool = temperatures[(temperatures['date'] >= "2010-01-01") & (temperatures['date'] <= "2011-12-31")]
             date     city        country  avg_temp_c
120    2010-01-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      28.270
121    2010-02-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      29.262
122    2010-03-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      29.596
123    2010-04-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      29.068
124    2010-05-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      28.258
...           ...      ...            ...         ...
16474  2011-08-01     Xian          China      23.069
16475  2011-09-01     Xian          China      16.775
16476  2011-10-01     Xian          China      12.587
16477  2011-11-01     Xian          China       7.543
16478  2011-12-01     Xian          China      -0.490

[2400 rows x 4 columns]
# Set date as the index and sort the index
temperatures_ind = temperatures.set_index("date").sort_index()

# Use .loc[] to subset temperatures_ind for rows in 2010 and 2011
print(temperatures_ind.loc["2010-01-01": "2011-12-31"])
                  city    country  avg_temp_c
2010-01-01  Faisalabad   Pakistan      11.810
2010-01-01   Melbourne  Australia      20.016
2010-01-01   Chongqing      China       7.921
2010-01-01   São Paulo     Brazil      23.738
2010-01-01   Guangzhou      China      14.136
...                ...        ...         ...
2011-12-01      Nagoya      Japan       6.476
2011-12-01   Hyderabad      India      23.613
2011-12-01        Cali   Colombia      21.559
2011-12-01        Lima       Peru      18.293
2011-12-01     Bangkok   Thailand      25.021

[2400 rows x 3 columns]
# Use .loc[] to subset temperatures_ind for rows from Aug 2010 to Feb 2011
print(temperatures_ind.loc["2010-08-01": "2011-02-01"])
                city        country  avg_temp_c
2010-08-01  Calcutta          India      30.226
2010-08-01      Pune          India      24.941
2010-08-01     Izmir         Turkey      28.352
2010-08-01   Tianjin          China      25.543
2010-08-01    Manila    Philippines      27.101
...              ...            ...         ...
2011-02-01     Kabul    Afghanistan       3.914
2011-02-01   Chicago  United States       0.276
2011-02-01    Aleppo          Syria       8.246
2011-02-01     Delhi          India      18.136
2011-02-01   Rangoon          Burma      26.631

[700 rows x 3 columns]

Subsetting by row/column number

The most common ways to subset rows are the ways we’ve previously discussed: using a Boolean condition or by index labels. However, it is also occasionally useful to pass row numbers.

This is done using .iloc[], and like .loc[], it can take two arguments to let you subset by rows and columns.

pandas is loaded as pd. temperatures (without an index) is available.

# Get 23rd row, 2nd column (index 22, 1)
print(temperatures.iloc[22, 1])
# Use slicing to get the first 5 rows
print(temperatures.iloc[0:5, ])
         date     city        country  avg_temp_c
0  2000-01-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1  2000-02-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2  2000-03-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3  2000-04-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4  2000-05-01  Abidjan  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
# Use slicing to get columns 3 to 4
print(temperatures.iloc[:, 2:4])
             country  avg_temp_c
0      Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1      Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2      Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3      Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4      Côte D'Ivoire      27.547
...              ...         ...
16495          China      18.979
16496          China      23.522
16497          China      25.251
16498          China      24.528
16499          China         NaN

[16500 rows x 2 columns]
# Use slicing in both directions at once
print(temperatures.iloc[0:5, 2:4])
         country  avg_temp_c
0  Côte D'Ivoire      27.293
1  Côte D'Ivoire      27.685
2  Côte D'Ivoire      29.061
3  Côte D'Ivoire      28.162
4  Côte D'Ivoire      27.547

Pivot temperature by city and year

It’s interesting to see how temperatures for each city change over time—looking at every month results in a big table, which can be tricky to reason about. Instead, let’s look at how temperatures change by year.

You can access the components of a date (year, month and day) using code of the form dataframe[“column”].dt.component. For example, the month component is dataframe[“column”].dt.month, and the year component is dataframe[“column”].dt.year.

Once you have the year column, you can create a pivot table with the data aggregated by city and year, which you’ll explore in the coming exercises.

# Add a year column to temperatures
temperatures["date"]= pd.to_datetime(temperatures["date"])

temperatures["year"] = temperatures["date"].dt.year

# Pivot avg_temp_c by country and city vs year
temp_by_country_city_vs_year = temperatures.pivot_table(values ="avg_temp_c" , index = ['country',"city"], columns = "year" )

# See the result
year                                 2000       2001  ...       2012       2013
country       city                                    ...                      
Afghanistan   Kabul             15.822667  15.847917  ...  14.510333  16.206125
Angola        Luanda            24.410333  24.427083  ...  24.240083  24.553875
Australia     Melbourne         14.320083  14.180000  ...  14.268667  14.741500
              Sydney            17.567417  17.854500  ...  17.474333  18.089750
Bangladesh    Dhaka             25.905250  25.931250  ...  26.283583  26.587000
...                                   ...        ...  ...        ...        ...
United States Chicago           11.089667  11.703083  ...  12.821250  11.586889
              Los Angeles       16.643333  16.466250  ...  17.089583  18.120667
              New York           9.969083  10.931000  ...  11.971500  12.163889
Vietnam       Ho Chi Minh City  27.588917  27.831750  ...  28.248750  28.455000
Zimbabwe      Harare            20.283667  20.861000  ...  20.523333  19.756500

[100 rows x 14 columns]

Subsetting pivot tables

A pivot table is just a DataFrame with sorted indexes, so the techniques you have learned already can be used to subset them. In particular, the .loc[] + slicing combination is often helpful.

pandas is loaded as pd. temp_by_country_city_vs_year is available.

# Subset for Egypt to India

temp_by_country_city_vs_year.loc["Egypt" : "India"]
year                       2000       2001  ...       2012       2013
country  city                               ...                      
Egypt    Alexandria   20.744500  21.454583  ...  21.552583  21.438500
         Cairo        21.486167  22.330833  ...  22.484250  22.907000
         Gizeh        21.486167  22.330833  ...  22.484250  22.907000
Ethiopia Addis Abeba  18.241250  18.296417  ...  18.448583  19.539000
France   Paris        11.739667  11.371250  ...  11.219917  11.011625
Germany  Berlin       10.963667   9.690250  ...   9.964333  10.121500
India    Ahmadabad    27.436000  27.198083  ...  27.027250  27.608625
         Bangalore    25.337917  25.528167  ...  26.042333  26.610500
         Bombay       27.203667  27.243667  ...  27.192500  26.713000
         Calcutta     26.491333  26.515167  ...  26.935083  27.369250
         Delhi        26.048333  25.862917  ...  25.889417  26.709250
         Hyderabad    27.231833  27.555167  ...  28.018583  28.851250
         Jaipur       26.430250  26.023000  ...  25.884500  26.844125
         Kanpur       25.353917  25.326500  ...  25.445417  26.121250
         Lakhnau      25.353917  25.326500  ...  25.445417  26.121250
         Madras       28.811667  29.162917  ...  29.778417  30.411750
         Nagpur       26.181417  26.321667  ...  26.327917  27.112375
         New Delhi    26.048333  25.862917  ...  25.889417  26.709250
         Pune         25.110917  25.337833  ...  25.296833  25.847625
         Surat        27.029000  26.897250  ...  26.889250  27.437750

[20 rows x 14 columns]
# Subset for Egypt, Cairo to India, Delhi
temp_by_country_city_vs_year.loc[("Egypt", "Cairo") : ("India", "Delhi")]
year                       2000       2001  ...       2012       2013
country  city                               ...                      
Egypt    Cairo        21.486167  22.330833  ...  22.484250  22.907000
         Gizeh        21.486167  22.330833  ...  22.484250  22.907000
Ethiopia Addis Abeba  18.241250  18.296417  ...  18.448583  19.539000
France   Paris        11.739667  11.371250  ...  11.219917  11.011625
Germany  Berlin       10.963667   9.690250  ...   9.964333  10.121500
India    Ahmadabad    27.436000  27.198083  ...  27.027250  27.608625
         Bangalore    25.337917  25.528167  ...  26.042333  26.610500
         Bombay       27.203667  27.243667  ...  27.192500  26.713000
         Calcutta     26.491333  26.515167  ...  26.935083  27.369250
         Delhi        26.048333  25.862917  ...  25.889417  26.709250

[10 rows x 14 columns]
# Subset for Egypt, Cairo to India, Delhi, and 2005 to 2010

temp_by_country_city_vs_year.loc[("Egypt", "Cairo") : ("India", "Delhi"), 2005:2010]
year                       2005       2006  ...       2009       2010
country  city                               ...                      
Egypt    Cairo        22.006500  22.050000  ...  22.625000  23.718250
         Gizeh        22.006500  22.050000  ...  22.625000  23.718250
Ethiopia Addis Abeba  18.312833  18.427083  ...  18.765333  18.298250
France   Paris        11.552917  11.788500  ...  11.464083  10.409833
Germany  Berlin        9.919083  10.545333  ...  10.062500   8.606833
India    Ahmadabad    26.828083  27.282833  ...  28.095833  28.017833
         Bangalore    25.476500  25.418250  ...  25.725750  25.705250
         Bombay       27.035750  27.381500  ...  27.844500  27.765417
         Calcutta     26.729167  26.986250  ...  27.153250  27.288833
         Delhi        25.716083  26.365917  ...  26.554250  26.520250

[10 rows x 6 columns]

Calculating on a pivot table

Pivot tables are filled with summary statistics, but they are only a first step to finding something insightful. Often you’ll need to perform further calculations on them. A common thing to do is to find the rows or columns where the highest or lowest value occurs.

Recall from Chapter 1 that you can easily subset a Series or DataFrame to find rows of interest using a logical condition inside of square brackets. For example: series[series > value].

pandas is loaded as pd and the DataFrame temp_by_country_city_vs_year is available.

# Get the worldwide mean temp by year
mean_temp_by_year = temp_by_country_city_vs_year.mean(axis = "index")

# Filter for the year that had the highest mean temp
print(mean_temp_by_year[mean_temp_by_year == mean_temp_by_year.max()])
2013    20.312285
dtype: float64
# Get the mean temp by city
mean_temp_by_city = temp_by_country_city_vs_year.mean(axis = "columns")

# Filter for the city that had the lowest mean temp
print(mean_temp_by_city[mean_temp_by_city == mean_temp_by_city.min()])
country  city  
China    Harbin    4.876551
dtype: float64

Creating and Visualizing DataFrames

Changes in sales over time

Line plots are designed to visualize the relationship between two numeric variables, where each data values is connected to the next one. They are especially useful for visualizing the change in a number over time since each time point is naturally connected to the next time point. In this exercise, you’ll visualize the change in avocado sales over three years.

pandas has been imported as pd, and avocados is available.

avocados["date"]= pd.to_datetime(avocados["date"])
# Get the total number of avocados sold on each date

nb_sold_by_date = nb_sold_by_size = avocados.groupby(["date"])['nb_sold'].sum()

# Create a line plot of the number of avocados sold by date
nb_sold_by_date.plot(kind = "line")

# Show the plot

Avocado supply and demand

Scatter plots are ideal for visualizing relationships between numerical variables. In this exercise, you’ll compare the number of avocados sold to average price and see if they’re at all related. If they’re related, you may be able to use one number to predict the other.

matplotlib.pyplot has been imported as plt, pandas has been imported as pd, and avocados is available.

# Scatter plot of avg_price vs. nb_sold with title
avocados.plot(y= "avg_price", x = "nb_sold", kind = "scatter", title = 'Number of avocados sold vs. average price')
# Show the plot

Price of conventional vs. organic avocados

Creating multiple plots for different subsets of data allows you to compare groups. In this exercise, you’ll create multiple histograms to compare the prices of conventional and organic avocados.

matplotlib.pyplot has been imported as plt and pandas has been imported as pd.

# Modify bins to 20
avocados[avocados["type"] == "conventional"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5, bins = 20)

# Modify bins to 20
avocados[avocados["type"] == "organic"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5, bins = 20)

# Add a legend
plt.legend(["conventional", "organic"])

# Show the plot

Finding missing values

Missing values are everywhere, and you don’t want them interfering with your work. Some functions ignore missing data by default, but that’s not always the behavior you might want. Some functions can’t handle missing values at all, so these values need to be taken care of before you can use them. If you don’t know where your missing values are, or if they exist, you could make mistakes in your analysis. In this exercise, you’ll determine if there are missing values in the dataset, and if so, how many.

pandas has been imported as pd and avocados_2016, a subset of avocados that contains only sales from 2016, is available.

# Create a new column 'year' by extracting the year from the 'date' column
avocados['year'] = avocados['date'].dt.year

avocadoes_wide = avocados.pivot(index=['date', 'type', 'year'], columns='size', values='nb_sold').reset_index()

avocados_2016 = avocadoes_wide[avocadoes_wide['year'] == 2016]
# Check individual values for missing values
size   date   type   year  extra_large  large  small
104   False  False  False        False  False  False
105   False  False  False        False  False  False
106   False  False  False        False  False  False
107   False  False  False        False  False  False
108   False  False  False        False  False  False
..      ...    ...    ...          ...    ...    ...
203   False  False  False        False  False  False
204   False  False  False        False  False  False
205   False  False  False        False  False  False
206   False  False  False        False  False  False
207   False  False  False        False  False  False

[104 rows x 6 columns]
# Check each column for missing values
date           False
type           False
year           False
extra_large    False
large          False
small          False
dtype: bool
# Bar plot of missing values by variable
avocados_2016.isna().sum().plot(kind = "bar")

# Show plot

Removing missing values

Now that you know there are some missing values in your DataFrame, you have a few options to deal with them. One way is to remove them from the dataset completely. In this exercise, you’ll remove missing values by removing all rows that contain missing values.

pandas has been imported as pd and avocados_2016 is available.

# Remove rows with missing values
avocados_complete = avocados_2016.dropna()

# Check if any columns contain missing values
date           False
type           False
year           False
extra_large    False
large          False
small          False
dtype: bool

Replacing missing values

Another way of handling missing values is to replace them all with the same value. For numerical variables, one option is to replace values with 0— you’ll do this here. However, when you replace missing values, you make assumptions about what a missing value means. In this case, you will assume that a missing number sold means that no sales for that avocado type were made that week.

In this exercise, you’ll see how replacing missing values can affect the distribution of a variable using histograms. You can plot histograms for multiple variables at a time as follows:

dogs[["height_cm", "weight_kg"]].hist()
# From previous step
cols_with_missing = [ 'extra_large', 'large', 'small']
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'extra_large'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'large'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'small'}>, <Axes: >]], dtype=object)

# Fill in missing values with 0
avocados_filled = avocados_2016.fillna(0)

# Create histograms of the filled columns
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'extra_large'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'large'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'small'}>, <Axes: >]], dtype=object)
# Show the plot

List of dictionaries

You recently got some new avocado data from 2019 that you’d like to put in a DataFrame using the list of dictionaries method. Remember that with this method, you go through the data row by row.

# Create a list of dictionaries with new data
avocados_list = [
    {"date": "2019-11-03", "small_sold": 10376832, "large_sold": 7835071},
     {"date": "2019-11-10", "small_sold": 10717154, "large_sold": 8561348}]

# Convert list into DataFrame
avocados_2019 = pd.DataFrame(avocados_list)

# Print the new DataFrame

         date  small_sold  large_sold
0  2019-11-03    10376832     7835071
1  2019-11-10    10717154     8561348

Dictionary of lists

Some more data just came in! This time, you’ll use the dictionary of lists method, parsing the data column by column.

# Create a dictionary of lists with new data
avocados_dict = {
  "date": ['2019-11-17', '2019-12-01'],
  "small_sold":  [10859987, 9291631],
  "large_sold": [7674135, 6238096]

# Convert dictionary into DataFrame
avocados_2019 = pd.DataFrame(avocados_dict)

# Print the new DataFrame
         date  small_sold  large_sold
0  2019-11-17    10859987     7674135
1  2019-12-01     9291631     6238096

CSV to DataFrame

You work for an airline, and your manager has asked you to do a competitive analysis and see how often passengers flying on other airlines are involuntarily bumped from their flights. You got a CSV file (airline_bumping.csv) from the Department of Transportation containing data on passengers that were involuntarily denied boarding in 2016 and 2017, but it doesn’t have the exact numbers you want. In order to figure this out, you’ll need to get the CSV into a pandas DataFrame and do some manipulation!

pandas is imported for you as pd. “airline_bumping.csv” is in your working directory.

# From previous steps
airline_bumping = pd.read_csv("data/airline_bumping.csv")
             airline  year  nb_bumped  total_passengers
0    DELTA AIR LINES  2017        679          99796155
1     VIRGIN AMERICA  2017        165           6090029
2    JETBLUE AIRWAYS  2017       1475          27255038
3    UNITED AIRLINES  2017       2067          70030765
4  HAWAIIAN AIRLINES  2017         92           8422734
airline_totals = airline_bumping.groupby("airline")[["nb_bumped", "total_passengers"]].sum()
airline_totals["bumps_per_10k"] = airline_totals["nb_bumped"] / airline_totals["total_passengers"] * 10000

# Print airline_totals
                     nb_bumped  total_passengers  bumps_per_10k
ALASKA AIRLINES           1392          36543121       0.380920
AMERICAN AIRLINES        11115         197365225       0.563169
DELTA AIR LINES           1591         197033215       0.080748
EXPRESSJET AIRLINES       3326          27858678       1.193883
FRONTIER AIRLINES         1228          22954995       0.534960
HAWAIIAN AIRLINES          122          16577572       0.073593
JETBLUE AIRWAYS           3615          53245866       0.678926
SKYWEST AIRLINES          3094          47091737       0.657015
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES       18585         228142036       0.814624
SPIRIT AIRLINES           2920          32304571       0.903897
UNITED AIRLINES           4941         134468897       0.367446
VIRGIN AMERICA             242          12017967       0.201365

DataFrame to CSV

You’re almost there! To make things easier to read, you’ll need to sort the data and export it to CSV so that your colleagues can read it.

# Create airline_totals_sorted
airline_totals_sorted = airline_totals.sort_values("bumps_per_10k", ascending = False)

# Print airline_totals_sorted

                     nb_bumped  total_passengers  bumps_per_10k
EXPRESSJET AIRLINES       3326          27858678       1.193883
SPIRIT AIRLINES           2920          32304571       0.903897
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES       18585         228142036       0.814624
JETBLUE AIRWAYS           3615          53245866       0.678926
SKYWEST AIRLINES          3094          47091737       0.657015
AMERICAN AIRLINES        11115         197365225       0.563169
FRONTIER AIRLINES         1228          22954995       0.534960
ALASKA AIRLINES           1392          36543121       0.380920
UNITED AIRLINES           4941         134468897       0.367446
VIRGIN AMERICA             242          12017967       0.201365
DELTA AIR LINES           1591         197033215       0.080748
HAWAIIAN AIRLINES          122          16577572       0.073593

# Save as airline_totals_sorted.csv
